This project is a Workout Tracker application intended for mobile devices. The app is built with React Native and Native Base for the frontend, and Firebase for backend services within the application including authentication, authorization and the database.
- React Native
- Native Base
- Firebase
The goal of this project was to create an application that is for my personal use, to replace my usage of OneNote for tracking my workouts and expanding the functionality of this tracking to include things like statistics and workout templates.
- Create workout session files that track all exercises including reps and sets for a given day.
- User login and registration with full authentication and authorization through Firebase
- Lightmode/Darkmode, profile customization
- List of all your workouts that you can easily review
This project is a Work-in-Progress!
- Statistics that provide data about how much weight you lift, time spent exercising etc.
- Notes that can be written within each workout to describe feelings during your lift.
Thank you for checking out my project!