kube-fledged is a kubernetes add-on for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the worker nodes of a kubernetes cluster. It allows a user to define a list of images and onto which worker nodes those images should be cached (i.e. pre-pulled). As a result, application pods start almost instantly, since the images need not be pulled from the registry.
kube-fledged provides CRUD APIs to manage the lifecycle of the image cache, and supports several configurable parameters to customize the functioning as per one's needs.
- Applications that require rapid start-up. For e.g. an application performing real-time data processing needs to scale rapidly due to a burst in data volume.
- Serverless Functions where functions need to react immediately to incoming events.
- IoT applications that run on Edge devices when the network connectivity between the edge and image registry is intermittent.
- If a cluster administrator or operator needs to roll-out upgrades to an application and wants to verify before-hand if the new images can be pulled successfully.
These instructions will help you build kube-fledged from source and deploy it on a kubernetes cluster.
- A functioning kubernetes cluster (v1.12 or above). It could be a simple development cluster like minikube or a large production cluster.
- All master and worker nodes with docker engine installed, and having the "kubernetes.io/hostname" label.
- make, go, docker and kubectl installed on a local linux machine. kubectl configured properly to access the cluster.
Create the source code directories on local linux machine and setup $GOPATH
$ mkdir -p $HOME/src/github.com/senthilrch
$ export GOPATH=$HOME
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/senthilrch/kube-fledged.git $HOME/src/github.com/senthilrch/kube-fledged
$ cd $HOME/src/github.com/senthilrch/kube-fledged
If you are behind a proxy, export the following ENV variables (UPPER case)
export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy_ip_or_hostname:port
export HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxy_ip_or_hostname:port
Build and push the docker images to registry (e.g. Docker hub)
$ export FLEDGED_IMAGE_NAME=<your_docker_hub_username>/fledged:<your_tag>
$ export FLEDGED_DOCKER_CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME=<your_docker_hub_username>/fledged-docker-client:<your_tag>
$ export DOCKER_VERSION=<docker_version_used_for_building_docker_client_image>
$ docker login -u <username> -p <password>
$ make fledged-image && make client-image && make push-image
All manifests required for deploying kube-fledged are present inside 'kube-fledged/deploy'. These steps deploy kube-fledged into a separate namespace called "kube-fledged" with default configuration flags.
Edit "fledged-deployment.yaml":-
- Set the value of KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST to the IP/hostname of api server of the cluster
- Set KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT to port number of api server
- Set "image" to "<your_docker_hub_username>/fledged:<your_tag>"
- env:
value: "<IP or hostname of api server>"
value: "<port number of api server>"
image: <your_docker_hub_username>/fledged:<your_tag>
If you pushed the image to a private repository, add 'imagePullSecrets' to the end of "fledged-deployment.yaml". Refer to kubernetes documentation on Specifying ImagePullSecrets on a Pod
serviceAccountName: fledged
- name: <your_registry_key>
Deploy kube-fledged to the cluster
$ make deploy
Verify if kube-fledged deployed successfully
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-fledged -l app=fledged
$ kubectl logs -f <pod_name_obtained_from_above_command> -n kube-fledged
kube-fledged provides APIs to perform CRUD operations on image cache. These APIs can be consumed via kubectl or curl
Refer to sample image cache manifest in "deploy/fledged-imagecache.yaml". Edit it as per your needs before creating image cache. If images are in private repositories requiring credentials to pull, add "imagePullSecrets" to the end.
- name: myregistrykey
Create the image cache using kubectl. Verify successful creation
$ kubectl create -f deploy/fledged-imagecache.yaml
$ kubectl get imagecaches -n kube-fledged
Use following command to view the status of image cache in "json" format.
$ kubectl get imagecaches imagecache1 -n kube-fledged -o json
Use kubectl edit command to add/remove images in image cache. The edit command opens the manifest in an editor. Edit your changes, save and exit.
$ kubectl edit imagecaches imagecache1 -n kube-fledged
$ kubectl get imagecaches imagecache1 -n kube-fledged -o json
Before you could delete the image cache, you need to purge the images in the cache using the following command. This will remove all cached images from the worker nodes.
$ kubectl delete imagecaches imagecache1 -n kube-fledged --wait=false
View the status of purging the image cache. If any failures, such images should be removed manually or you could decide to leave the images in the worker nodes.
kubectl get imagecaches imagecache1 -n kube-fledged -o json
Finally delete the image cache using following command.
$ kubectl delete imagecaches imagecache1 -n kube-fledged --now
Kubernetes allows developers to extend the kubernetes api via Custom Resources. kube-fledged defines a custom resource of kind “ImageCache” and implements a custom controller (named fledged). fledged does the heavy-lifting for managing image cache. Users can use kubectl commands for creation and deletion of ImageCache resources.
fledged has a built-in image manager routine that is responsible for pulling and deleting images. Images are pulled or deleted using kubernetes jobs. If enabled, image cache is refreshed periodically by the refresh worker. fledged updates the status of image pulls, refreshes and image deletions in the status field of ImageCache resource.
For more detailed description, go through kube-fledged's design proposal.
Maximum duration allowed for pulling an image. After this duration, image pull is considered to have failed. default "5m"
The image cache is refreshed periodically to ensure the cache is up to date. Setting this flag to "0s" will disable refresh. default "15m"
The image name of the docker client. the docker client is used when deleting images during purging the cache".
Log level. set the value of this flag to INFO
- linux/amd64
- kubernetes/sample-controller - Building our own kubernetes-style controller using CRD.
- Dep - Go dependency management tool
- Make - GNU Make
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details