This is a fast food delivery application for a fast food restaurent created
during Andela Bootcamp check, for UI HERE
The is App deployed on Heroku HERE
- Users can create an account and log in
- A user should be able to order for food
- The admin should be able to add,edit or delete the fast-food items
- The admin should be able to see a list of fast-food items
- The Admin user should be able to do the following:
- See a list of orders
- Accept and decline orders
- Mark orders as completed
- A user should be able to see a history of ordered food
- Python 2.7.
- install GIT
- Install python PYTHON 2.7
- Clone the repo using GIT by running
$ git clone
- Move into the Fast-food-challenge2 directory by typing the command below
$ cd Fast-Food-challenge3
- Create a virtual environment by running
$ virtualenv <name>
- Activate you virtual environment by running
$ <name>\Scripts\activate
- Install all requiered dependencies by running
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app
$ python
- To run a test, You will have to cd into the project directory and run the command below
$ nosetests --with-coverage -v
- HTML - Hypertext Markup Language.
- CSS - Cascading Style Sheets.
- PYTHON 2.7 - An interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming.
- FLASKFlask-RESTful - A microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2.
- PYTHON PIP - A python package managing tool.
- GIT - A free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Register a user | POST | /auth/signup |
Login a user | POST | /auth/login |
Place an order for food | POST | POST /users/orders |
Get the order history for aparticular user | GET | /users/orders |
Get all orders | GET | /orders |
Fetch a specific order | GET | / orders/orderId |
Update the status of an order | PUT | / orders/orderId |
Get available menu | PUT | / orders |
Get available menu | GET | /menu |
Add a meal option to the menu | POST | /menu |
- [email protected]
- @henryKafuuma