Kaelyn Ferris, 2021 @ Ohio University, Supervised by Dr. Sergio Ulloa
Qiskit code which simulates the time evolution of an excitation in an n site Fermi-Hubbard chain and plots the total occupation for each fermionic mode as the system evolves. We make use of a one-dimensional chain which is a much more approachable system to simulate on NISQ-era devices and simulators.
'Hubbard-Time-Evolution.ipynb' contains a derivation of the time evolution for the 3-site chain of the Fermi-Hubbard model as well as the code itself to execute the time evolution. Towards the end of the notebook is a few example images to help clarify how the circuit is constructed and how the evolution changes as the parameters are modified.
'quantum-simulation.ipynb' contains a WIP derivation of digital quantum simulation, the Trotter-Suzuki formalism, the Fermi-Hubbard model, and the Jordan-Wigner transformation.