The website consist of 3 separate projects
* client - The page available for users
* admin - The page available for administrators
* common - The common functions and stylesheet is used in client and admin
Basic techniques used for the project
* yeoman [workflow] @see
* AngularJS [js framework] @see
* jQuery [js library] @see
* sass [css extension] @see
Before developing, you should specially get known to the yeoman workflow and angular framework. We are glad for all contributions, feel free to help us with the project
If you want to test run the admin page, you should also install the
API and replace one of the knownServerUrls
in the file scripts/config.json.
If you want to contribute to this project you should follow a specific coding style, this is:
- Use 2 spaces for identation
- Use '' (single quotes) and not "" (double quotes) for JS strings
- Do NOT use the inline array annotation for dependecy injection, instead rely on the name of the argument
1. Install NodeJS and open Terminal / CMD
!! grunt-node-sass is not compatible with newer versions of nodejs. So make sure that node -v
is <= 10.x.x !!
2. Install Yeoman, Bower and Yeoman generator
sudo npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower generator-webapp
3. Get a copy of this repository
4. CD into 'common' via terminal/CMD and run the following commands
sudo npm install
grunt updateCommonFiles
5. CD into 'admin' and run the following commands
sudo npm install
bower update
6. CD into 'client' and run the following commands
sudo npm install
bower update
Setup should now be completed
1. Run your default browser with --disable-web-security Chrome users can turn this on and off with an extension
2. CD into client or admin folder (the folder you want to debug)
- Run command
grunt serve
... A new browser tab should now open
- We use instead of localhost because browsers are less strict about https. It might happen that chrome requires localhost to use https. That happens especially if you use a local version of the API. In that case you can remove that again on chrome://net-internals/#hsts
1. Run command: grunt build
The standalone is built into the dist folder
IMPORTANT NOTE: You should never edit the files located in the following folders: {admin/client}/scripts/common {admin/client}/styles/common {admin/client}/views/common {admin/client}/images/common
Instead you should use the common folder in the root of the project. Inside common/app, a respective folder for each of these directories can be found inside common/app/{scripts/styles/views/images}
By running the ```grunt --force``` command in the common folder, it updates the common files in both admin and client, and continues to watch for changes, and automatically updates once changes are detected. It is recommended to always have watching enabled while developing. It may be smart to setup your system to run the command automatically on startup, so it isn't forgotten later.