Experimental codes for Tensorflow 2.5 with Apple-Metal GPU acceleration for Mac (both Intel and Apple chips)
Apple has now implemented metal TF2.5 plugin for GPU acceleration. See here for details.
NOTE: The following contains steps to install on Intel Mac running macOS 11.
System requirement
Apple suggests to have at least macOS 12.0 (Monterey), which has not been out to the public yet. However, test seemed to be successful on M1 13 inch Macbook Pro and Intel i9/AMD GPU iMac running macOS 11.4 (Big Sur).
Install miniforge3 (mini coda with forge channel as default)
url: https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge#miniforge3
bash Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64.sh
NOTE 1: Although it is possible to use
conda config --add channels conda-forge
to manually add theforge
channel to miniconda, it is generally recommended using miniforge version of conda for both Apple and Intel chips. -
Create, setup and activate a conda environment
conda env create -f ./inst/environment_generic.yml --prefix ./conda_venv_tf_metal conda activate ./conda_venv_tf_metal
(Apple chip) Install tensorflow dependencies
conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
(Intel chip) Download the wheels from the following:
https://pypi.org/project/tensorflow-macos/#files https://pypi.org/project/tensorflow-metal/#files
(Intel chip) Rename the file names as following (verizon numbers: 2.5.0 or 0.1.1 could be different):
tensorflow_macos-2.5.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_x86_64.whl -> tensorflow_macos-2.5.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_11_x86_64.whl tensorflow_metal-0.1.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_x86_64.whl -> tensorflow_metal-0.1.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_11_x86_64.whl
Install base tensorflow
(Apple chip)
python -m pip install tensorflow-macos
(Intel chip)
pip install /path/to/tensorflow_macos-2.5.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_11_x86_64.whl
Install metal plugin
(Apple chip)
python -m pip install tensorflow-metal
(Intel chip)
pip install /path/to/tensorflow_metal-0.1.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_11_x86_64.whl
Install other conda packages
conda install pandas scikit-learn jupyter matplotlib tqdm autopep8
Intel only:
conda install imutils
Install other pip package(s)
python -m pip install scikit-multilearn
(Apple and Intel chips) install miniforge3 (mini coda with forge channel as default)
create a conda environment and install via the yml file
conda env create -f ./inst/environment.yml --prefix ./conda_venv_atf24
install additional packages
conda env create -f ./inst/environment.yml --prefix ./conda_venv_atf24 conda install scikit-learn setuptools cached-property six packaging matplotlib autopep8 jupyter tqdm pandas numpy
If with manually added forge channel, use the following:
conda install scikit-learn setuptools cached-property six packaging matplotlib autopep8 jupyter tqdm pandas -c conda-forge
install apple tf2.4
Intel chips:
pip install --upgrade --force --no-dependencies https://github.com/apple/tensorflow_macos/releases/download/v0.1alpha3/tensorflow_macos-0.1a3-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_x86_64.whl https://github.com/apple/tensorflow_macos/releases/download/v0.1alpha3/tensorflow_addons_macos-0.1a3-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_x86_64.whl
NOTE: run "export SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=0" if "not supported" error is returned
Apple chips:
pip install --upgrade --force --no-dependencies https://github.com/apple/tensorflow_macos/releases/download/v0.1alpha3/tensorflow_macos-0.1a3-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl https://github.com/apple/tensorflow_macos/releases/download/v0.1alpha3/tensorflow_addons_macos-0.1a3-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
Known issues
- ATF24 does not work with numpy version newer than 1.19.5
- evaluate and predict functions conflict (cannot use validation data in model.fit)