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jy95 edited this page Mar 18, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the mediaScan wiki!

What to do with this library ?

A lot of things :

Don't hesitate to suggest new features : it is always worthy :)

Current API is defined like that :

class MediaScan extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {

    // instance properties
    protected defaultPath: string; // Default path , if paths is empty
    protected parser: MediaScanTypes.ParseFunction; // the parser to extract the useful data from name
    protected whichCategory: MediaScanTypes.WhichCategoryFunction; // Function that tell us what is the category of the TPN
    protected paths: string[]; // all the paths that will be explored
    protected categoryForFile: Map<string, MediaScanTypes.Category>; // the mapping between file and Category
    protected stores: MediaScanTypes.MapSet<MediaScanTypes.TPN | MediaScanTypes.TPN_Extended>; // where I keep the result of Category
    // static properties
    static readonly MOVIES_TYPE : MediaScanTypes.Category.MOVIES_TYPE;
    static readonly TV_SERIES_TYPE : MediaScanTypes.Category.TV_SERIES_TYPE;

    // getters
    allMovies(): Set<MediaScanTypes.TPN_Extended>;
    allTvSeries(): Map<string, Set<MediaScanTypes.TPN_Extended>>;
    allFilesWithCategory(): Map<string, MediaScanTypes.Category>;
    allTvSeriesNames() : string[];

    // constructor
    constructor(dataParameters?: MediaScanTypes.DataParameters, customConfig?: MediaScanTypes.CustomFunctionsConfig);

    // static methods
    static listVideosExtension(): string[];
    createFromJSON(json: MediaScanTypes.LibAsJson, customConfig?: MediaScanTypes.CustomFunctionsConfig): MediaScan;

    // instance methods
    private addNewFiles(files: string[]): Promise<any>;
    addNewPath(...paths: string[]): Promise<any>;
    hasPathsProvidedByUser(): boolean;
    scan(): Promise<any>;
    removeOldFiles(...files: string[]): Promise<any>;
    toJSON(): string;
    toJSONObject(looseMode? : boolean) : MediaScanTypes.LibAsJson;

    // filtering methods
    filterMovies(searchParameters: MediaScanTypes.SearchParameters);
    filterTvSeries(searchParameters: MediaScanTypes.SearchParameters)

Edit : Types definition can be found in MediaScanTypes.ts file