Protoforge-twig is a tiny, junky little application to make it easier to rapidly prototype frontend html/css/js with the Twig language.
- PHP 5.4+
- Bash (for convenience CLI scripts to run and export HTML)
- CURL (for html export)
- git
- wget
- Clone this repo and cd to it's directory in terminal
- run
- visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser
- Create more twig templates in the htdocs directory. New templates are new pages.
The script will remove the .git directory to prepare for your new project. It also runs composer (installing if necessary), installs twig in the project, starts the php built-in webserver, by default on port 8080. If you need to specify a different port, pass it in as the first argument, like this: ./ 8082
Once the server is started, just visit your the site in your browser (http://localhost:8080 if you did not change the port). To add a page, put a new file with a '.html.twig' extension in the "htdocs" folder, for example "test_page.html.twig". It will appear on the index page list when you refresh your browser. Pages that start with underscores will not be shown on the index page, so name your layouts like "_layout1.html.twig" and "_header.html.twig", etc. You can use twig variables, filters, functions, and logic. See the twig documentation for more details. You can pass in twig variables by setting them in twig templates, by using a PHP file with a $parameters['var'] = 'value'; array, or by adding HTTP GET parameters to your URL. Check out the code in the demo.html.twig and demo.php files for more info.
If you want to export the HTML files, run the ./
script, then grab the files out of the "exported-html" folder in the project root. Delete the folder before exporting again to ensure it is clean.
To stop the web server, hit "CTRL + C" in the terminal where you ran ./