Bugs fixed
- URL Incorrect path Issue #436 (@itsmevichu)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #435 (@pre-commit-ci)
- Bump the actions group with 1 update #433 (@dependabot)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #432 (@pre-commit-ci)
- Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 #430 (@dependabot)
- Update ruff config #429 (@blink1073)
- Bump apache/skywalking-eyes from e19b828cea6a6027cceae78f05d81317347d21be to ee81ff786927ea6ffa48b1e29c48e5289f4753aa #428 (@dependabot)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #427 (@pre-commit-ci)
- Update the releaser workflows to the latest version #426 (@fcollonval)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @itsmevichu | @JasonWeill | @pre-commit-ci | @welcome