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4. Drawing maps

Juan Pablo Narvaez-Gomez edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 1 revision

# 1. Basic maps of consensus areas ####

# A copy of consensus areas shapefiles is stored in 
# "./data/GIS/Consensus_Areas_Shapefiles/"

ca_layer_names <- list.files(path = "./data/GIS/Consensus_Areas_Shapefiles/", 
                             pattern = "[1-3]dg.*grid.shp") %>%
  gsub(pattern = "([1-3]dg.*grid).shp", replacement = "\\1") 

i <- 28 # 28 out of 136 (Consensus areas across all analyses D and S)

(plot_ca <- ndm_plotca(shp.layers.dns = "./data/GIS/Consensus_Areas_Shapefiles/", 
              = ca_layer_names[i], 
                       ca_Scale = 1, acolor = "darkgreen", alfa = 0.6))

# Saving plot 13
png(filename = "./figs/plot13.png", width = 800, height = 800, res = 120)


Plot 13: Standard map of a Consensus Area.

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