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Daan van Yperen edited this page Sep 27, 2015 · 1 revision

Provide your artemis-odb extensions as a drop in plugin!


  • Users can add your odb extension with a single line of code.
  • Allows other plugin developers to build upon your extension.
  • Avoids dependency clashes with other extensions.
  • Inject systems/managers before/after others.


Implement ArtemisPlugin. Register dependencies via WorldConfigurationBuilder.

Special note about Dependencies

When adding plugin dependencies, use WorldConfigurationBuilder#dependsOn instead of #wire. #DependsOn ensures dependencies that already exist are not instanced twice. The game itself is not required to use #DependsOn as non plugin systems/managers will be instanced before any plugins.

see WorldConfigurationBuilder for all options.


public class MyPlugin implements ArtemisPlugin {

    public void setup(WorldConfigurationBuilder b) {

        // hook plugins.

        // hook managers or systems.
        b.dependsOn(TagManager.class, GroupManager.class);
        b.dependsOn(MySystemA.class, MySystemB.class);

        // Optionally Specify loading order.
        b.with(WorldConfigurationBuilder.Priority.HIGH, new LoadFirstSystem());

        // And your custom DI features!
        b.register(new MyFieldResolver());


  WorldConfiguration myConfig = new WorldConfigurationBuilder()
                .with(new TagManager())
                .with(new MyGameSystemA(), new MyGameSystemB())
                .with(new MyPlugin())
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