A mobile application to visualizes a variety of algorithms. Pathfinding, sorting and binary search tree is visualized. This application was developed in flutter.
The application is a mobile application. But for making it easier to use the application and to showcase it, I deployed the webiste version on github pages. Just keep in mind, it look a little stretch, because it is not optimized for big screens.
Website: AlgoVerseApp
A coordinate system is shown with a start and end node. The app visualizes the visited nodes and the path taken. It is possible to set obstacles or a random maze.
- A*
- Dijkstra
An array is shown that can be sorted. The input can be a self set array or random array.
- Mergesort
- Bubblesort
- Insertionsort
- Quicksort
- Selectionsort
A binary search tree will be displayed. It is possible to add random nodes, set your own tree and set randoms trees. It is possible to search for a value in the tree.
- Binary search