Portfolio for all things Jim. Please enjoy yourself.
This project uses pnpm as the package manager. Install that first: https://pnpm.io/installation
Then run:
pnpm i
pnpm run dev
Then navigate to the route provided in console.
You can view up to date main
branch changes at https://jimsegal.com
I have had the domain and putting up interesting (to me) projects here since 2013 (maybe longer, but that was the oldest commit I could find). In true software tradition, I had built a frankenstien of a website and supporting services.
The following was the daily driver of jimsegal.com from Aug 28, 2013.
- landing page and some others - vanilla html, javascript, css, deployed through aws s3 bucket
- projects.jimsegal.com - react SPA, javascript, deployed through github pages
- api.jimsegal.com - node, express, javascript, deployed through heroku
- railway-admin.jimsegal.com - headless cms by strapi.io, deployed through railway.app
I knew this was a mess and needed to be consolidated. I knew this had to be rewritten.
Previous attempts to rewrite:
One of my attemps to was actually a long running feature branch:
Additional rewrite in elixir until I realized I don't need all the overhead of a full server and database for what I'm doing with the site now.