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Build Configuration | Framework | Badge |
Debug | .NET Framework | |
Release | .NET Framework | |
Debug | .NET Core | |
Release | .NET Core |
Service | Description | Badge |
CodeFactor | Code Quality | |
NuGet | Download Count | |
NuGet | Current Version | |
Discord | Chat-Room |
- .NET Framework >= 4.6
- .NET Core* >= 2.0
- Mono* >= 5.4
- Xamarin.iOS* >= 10.14
- Xamarin.MAC* >= 3.8
- Xamarin.Android* >= 8.0
- UWP* >= 10.0.16299
'*' No Bluetooth support
- TCP communication
- UDP communication
- Bluetooth communication
- Factories to ensure the most easy setup
- Server and Client Wrappers (Auto-Reconnect, Auto-Join)
- Object oriented. Don't worry about bits and bytes. Send and receive objects
- Optional RSA encryption for TCP and UDP
- Use lambdas, delegates or even async operations to send and receive objects
- Useful helpers to quickly send small information, without creating an object
- Logging for debugging or traffic inspection
- No magic numbers, identifiers or configurations required
- Very fast and relieable (6-10ms RTT)
- Highly customizable
- OpenSource and Free to use
- TRX: TVUiQD8LpKScXv2TMxYb7c2bKA2Xdn8ayn
- ETH: 0xa1249ae140e775d75dd1e96b366cf605264c3f46
- BTC: 15C8ats3mqKB9F86cZVcL6BcFGNfTLDpM6
- XRP: rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh
public void Demo()
ConnectionResult connectionResult = ConnectionResult.TCPConnectionNotAlive;
//1. Establish a connection to the server.
TcpConnection tcpConnection = ConnectionFactory.CreateTcpConnection("", 1234, out connectionResult);
//2. Register what happens if we get a connection
if(connectionResult == ConnectionResult.Connected)
Console.WriteLine($"{tcpConnection.ToString()} Connection established");
//3. Send a raw data packet request.
tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromUTF8String("HelloWorld", "Hello, this is the RawDataExample!"));
tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromBoolean("BoolValue", true));
tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromBoolean("BoolValue", false));
tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromDouble("DoubleValue", 32.99311325d));
//4. Send a raw data packet request without any helper class
tcpConnection.SendRawData("HelloWorld", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, this is the RawDataExample!"));
tcpConnection.SendRawData("BoolValue", BitConverter.GetBytes(true));
tcpConnection.SendRawData("BoolValue", BitConverter.GetBytes(false));
tcpConnection.SendRawData("DoubleValue", BitConverter.GetBytes(32.99311325d));
public void Demo()
//1. Start listen on a port
serverConnectionContainer = ConnectionFactory.CreateServerConnectionContainer(1234, false);
//2. Apply optional settings.
#region Optional settings
serverConnectionContainer.ConnectionLost += (a, b, c) => Console.WriteLine($"{serverConnectionContainer.Count} {b.ToString()} Connection lost {a.IPRemoteEndPoint.Port}. Reason {c.ToString()}");
serverConnectionContainer.ConnectionEstablished += connectionEstablished;
serverConnectionContainer.AllowBluetoothConnections = true;
serverConnectionContainer.AllowUDPConnections = true;
serverConnectionContainer.UDPConnectionLimit = 2;
#endregion Optional settings
//Call start here, because we had to enable the bluetooth property at first.
/// <summary>
/// We got a connection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection">The connection we got. (TCP or UDP)</param>
private void connectionEstablished(Connection connection, ConnectionType type)
Console.WriteLine($"{serverConnectionContainer.Count} {connection.GetType()} connected on port {connection.IPRemoteEndPoint.Port}");
//3. Register packet listeners.
connection.RegisterRawDataHandler("HelloWorld", (rawData, con) => Console.WriteLine($"RawDataPacket received. Data: {rawData.ToUTF8String()}"));
connection.RegisterRawDataHandler("BoolValue", (rawData, con) => Console.WriteLine($"RawDataPacket received. Data: {rawData.ToBoolean()}"));
connection.RegisterRawDataHandler("DoubleValue", (rawData, con) => Console.WriteLine($"RawDataPacket received. Data: {rawData.ToDouble()}"));
public async void Demo()
//1. Establish a connection to the server.
ClientConnectionContainer container = ConnectionFactory.CreateClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
//2. Register what happens if we get a connection
container.ConnectionEstablished += async (connection, type) =>
Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
//3. Send a request packet async and directly receive an answer.
CalculationResponse response = await connection.SendAsync<CalculationResponse>(new CalculationRequest(10, 10));
Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}");
private ClientConnectionContainer container;
public void Demo()
//1. Establish a connection to the server.
container = ConnectionFactory.CreateClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
//2. Register what happens if we get a connection
container.ConnectionEstablished += connectionEstablished;
private void connectionEstablished(Connection connection, ConnectionType type)
Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
//3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
container.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>(calculationResponseReceived, this);
//4. Send a calculation request.
connection.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);
private void calculationResponseReceived(CalculationResponse response, Connection connection)
//5. CalculationResponse received.
Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}");
public void Demo()
//1. Establish a connection to the server.
ClientConnectionContainer container = ConnectionFactory.CreateClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
//2. Register what happens if we get a connection
container.ConnectionEstablished += (connection, type) =>
Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
//3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
connection.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>((response, con) => Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}"), this);
//4. Send a calculation request.
connection.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);
public async void Demo()
//1. Get the clients in range.
DeviceInfo[] devicesInRange = await ConnectionFactory.GetBluetoothDevicesAsync();
if(devicesInRange.Length <= 0) return; //We need at least one bluetooth connection to deal with :)
//2. Create a new instance of the bluetoothConnection with the factory.
Tuple<ConnectionResult, BluetoothConnection> bluetoothConnection = await ConnectionFactory.CreateBluetoothConnectionAsync(devicesInRange[0]);
if(bluetoothConnection.Item1 != ConnectionResult.Connected) return; //We were not able to connect to the server.
//3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
bluetoothConnection.Item2.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>((response, con) => Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}"), this);
//4. Send a calculation request.
bluetoothConnection.Item2.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);
public async void Demo()
//1. Establish a connection.
ClientConnectionContainer container = ConnectionFactory.CreateSecureClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
//2. Register what happens if we get a connection
container.ConnectionEstablished += (connection, type) =>
Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
//3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
connection.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>((response, con) => Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}"), this);
//4. Send a calculation request.
connection.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);