A wrapper for common Eloquent Query-builder usage. Supports Field selection, paging, key-value filtering & sorting. It is possible to extend this further by adding your own modifiers that implement the 'QBModifier' interface.
This is an early version (pre 1.0) so use at your own risk. Also, future updates are likely to include a search modifier.
PHP 5.4+ Laravel 5+
Currently the package is only available via Git, although it will be added to Packagist in future. To install via composer, follow the steps below.
Add the repo to your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/johnrich85/eloquent-query-modifier"
Add the package to your composer.json
"require": [
"johnrich85/eloquent-query-modifier/": "dev-master"
In a nut-shell, you simply pass Input:all() to the modifier & it handles the rest. Code example provided below:
Instantiate config:
$config = new Johnrich85\EloquentQueryModifier\InputConfig();
Instantiate Modifier:
$modifier = Johnrich85\EloquentQueryModifier\EloquentQueryModifier($config);
Call the modify method, passing input & a \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder instance.
$product = new Product();
$builder = $product->newQuery();
$modifier->modify($builder, Input::all());
$results = $product->get();
##Natively supports the following filters/modifiers Sort: ?sort=-priority,created_at
Field Filter: ?fieldName=value
General Search: ?q=search term
Field selection: ?fields=id,name, description
Pretty print: ?pretty=true