Nutritious is a Django-based web application for browsing and tagging textual content. It generalizes beyond "delicious"-style tagging of webpages to within-document bookmark-like tags on arbitrary collections of text (e.g., a quotations library). It also provides navigation within these resources as well as regex-based search.
A live demo can be seen at
- Browsing of textual resources.
- Search by keyword/regex, book reference, or tag name (#tag).
- Highlighted context expansion.
- RESTful access to textual resources and tag data
- Create/delete/rename of tags and their references.
- Import and export of tag data from/to TSV.
- User accounts (though currently admin creates new users).
- Unauthenticated read-only access to "guest" account.
- Hotkeys for search (Ctrl-S) and copying (Ctrl-C) and tagging (Ctrl-T) of selected lines of text.
- Integration tests with Angular Scenario Test Runner.
Nutritious enables the browsing and tagging of Textbites resources. Textbites provides a Python API for a textual resource. This layer of abstraction was used in order to require that Nutritious be general enough to handle many kinds of textual resources. Presently all Textbite implementations are static (immutable), but this could be extended in the future. Tag data (tags and their references into resources) are persisted in a Postgres database.
- Django (1.4.4)
- AngularJS
- Twitter Bootstrap
Setup of Nutritious is similar to any Django app, but here are some tips.
Installing locally:
- Install pip and ideally virtualenv.
- Install dependences through pip.
- Install the LESS CSS compiler (
npm install -g less
) - Setup a postgres database.
- Install postgres.
- Create nutritious database.
- Run ./ with syncdb and migrate.
- Using the admin interface create "guest" user.
Deploying to Heroku:
- For LESS CSS, configure buildpack as a 'multi':
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=
- Sync and migrate the database using
heroku run python ...
. - Set passwords in environment variables with
heroku config:add XXX=YYY
Integration tests are implemented with AngularJS's scenario test runner. To execute, click here or on the Angular logo at the bottom of any page. Some tests require authentication with a testing account and will currently fail, but this will be addressed soon.