- A compiler with C++11 support, e.g gcc >= 4.8 or clang >= 3.3.
- Python 2.7.x (Python 3 not yet supported).
- CMake 3.0 or greater (https://cmake.org/) required by the build system. To configure options you may want to obtain the command line GUI interface for cmake, (ccmake).
- The version control software git if you wish to interface with the repository.
- On a Debian based Linux system the basic pre-requisites can be installed with the following command:
- sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake cmake-curses-gui
- On a Red Hat base Linux system (untested), they may be installed with:
- sudo yum install git gcc cmake
- Signatec library for interfacing with PX14400 digitizer.
- Teledyne SP devices library for interfacing with ADQ7 digitizer.
- NVidia CUDA Toolkit (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone). Needed for GPU support (only tested with version 6.0 and 8.0). If you enable CUDA, you must use a gcc <= 6.4, and more recent versions are not supported. GCC 5.5 is installed on gpu1080 for this purpose under /home/oper/gcc55
- ROOT (https://root.cern.ch/), needed for spectrum plotting.
- ZeroMQ (http://zeromq.org/), needed for GPU spectrometer client/server interface, and for noise power UDP packet messages. On the GPU spectrometer (gpu1080) this library is install in /home/oper/software/libzmq/install
Download the repository with:
- git clone [email protected]:barrettj/Hose.git
- alternatively, you can retrieve a static version of the code via a download of a .zip file at: https://github.mit.edu/barrettj/Hose/archive/master.zip
Note: To clone the repository without password input you may need to set up ssh-keys on your machine for your github account.
Assuming you have downloaded and/or unpacked the Hose code to the relative directory ./Hose, to compile and install the basic libraries (namely the file I/O library) do the following:
- cd ./Hose && mkdir build
- cd ./build
- ccmake ../
- Press 'c' to configure, and 'g' to generate the build (accept the defaults to simply build the I/O library, or configure options as needed) Options as currently configured on gpu1080 (2/23/22) look like:
ADQSDK_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/include ADQSDK_LIBRARY /usr/lib/libadq.so CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /home/oper/software/Hose/install CUDA_HOST_COMPILER /home/oper/gcc55/bin/gcc CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR-NOTFOUND CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR /usr CUDA_USE_STATIC_CUDA_RUNTIME ON CUDA_rt_LIBRARY /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so DATA_INSTALL_DIR /media/oper/data HOSE_ADQ7_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER OFF HOSE_ENABLE_TEST ON HOSE_USE_ADQ7 ON HOSE_USE_ATS OFF HOSE_USE_CUDA ON HOSE_USE_FFTW ON HOSE_USE_GSL OFF HOSE_USE_PX14 OFF HOSE_USE_ROOT ON HOSE_USE_SPDLOG ON HOSE_USE_ZEROMQ ON ZMQ_INCLUDE_DIR /home/oper/software/libzmq/install/include ZMQ_LIBRARY /home/oper/software/libzmq/install/lib/libzmq.so ZMQ_LIB_DIR /home/oper/software/libzmq/install/lib
- make && make install
To place the necessary libraries and executables in your path, run: source <Hose directory>/install/bin/hoseenv.sh
- After installing Hose and setting the environmental variables with hoseenv.sh. You can convert a directory of spectrum files to a FITS file using the script gpu_sdfits.py.
- First change into the ToFits directory:
- cd <Hose directory>/ToFits
- Make gpu_sdfits.py an executable (if not already) with:
- chmod u+x ./gpu_sdfits.py
- Then run:
- ./gpu_sdfits.py <path-to-spectrum-files>
- If you plan to use any wildcard expansions, then the path should be quoted to avoid having the shell parse the wildcards. For example, to do both scan1/ and scan2/, pass './scan[12]' including the quotes.
- The output will be the file: <path to spectrum files>/.fits
- ./gpu_sdfits.py with no arguments will cause it to print a rudimentary usage description.