- Download the .deb installer from tak.gov
- Upload to Google Drive
- Share the file, set share permissions to "anyone with the link"
- Get the sharing link, you will need the file id during the script install
https://drive.google.com/file/d/<FILE ID STRING HERE>/view?usp=sharing
*** If you are setting up a FQDN for SSL, make sure you already have your DNS entry (A Record) setup to point your server IP to the domain name you want the server hosted at. ***
- Login as root user to your install target machine
- Download and Run the install script with the command below
cd /tmp/ && git clone https://github.com/atakhq/takserver-deb-installer.git && cd ./takserver-deb-installer && sudo chmod +x install-deb.sh && . install-deb.sh
creates ubuntu user 'tak' with random 15char password to install the service under
installs takserver and enables the service to run at startup on reboots
disables insecure ports in CoreConfig.xml
configures certificate enrollment
- Configure FQDN for seamless cert enrollment and no SSL warnings in browser
- Setup simple-rtsp-server for video streaming
- Additional user connection datapackage creation
Instruction at the end with link to admin login with random gen password
If you encounter this error:
Waiting for cache lock: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend. It is held by process XXXXXX (unattended-upgr)
Open a new SSH terminal, and fire this command to remove the apt upgrade lock - REPLACE XXXXXX with the process ID shown in the error
sudo kill -9 XXXXXX
- Minor changes to improve stability on some people reporting issues with cert gen step looping (added sudo to script commands and exported cert meta values if sed failed to update the config file)
- Fix broken ITAK QR code
- Added support for TAK Server 4.9 (some minor changes)
- Added prompt for additional user cert creation
- Added ITAK Server Auto-Setup QR Code to end of script, and png saved to /opt/tak/certs/files
- Error trapping for dependency installs, tak server isntall, and user execution permission of the scripts
- General improvements to speed up the install
- FQDN SSL issue was fixed
- rtsp-simple-server installer prompt added