A starter template for Nuxt 3 with useful modules and plugins. Adapted from Nuxt 3 Awesome Starter
- 💨 Tailwind CSS v3 with Windicss
- ✨ Headless UI
- 🛹 State & Store Management (Pinia)
- 📦 Vue Composition Collection (Vueuse)
- 📚 Content Management System (Nuxt Content) [SSR]
- ✍️ Markdown editor (md-editor-v3)
- 🔔 Icon Pack Component (unplugin-icons)
- 🌙 Switch Theme (light, dark, system, realtime)
- Eslint & Prettier
- Husky & Commitlint
- Custom Workspace Snippets
This project using pnpm as package manager. Don't use npm or yarn!
Install the dependencies:
pnpm install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
pnpm dev -o
Build the application for production:
pnpm build
Locally preview production build:
pnpm preview
Check out the deployment documentation for more information.