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Vagrantfile example: Multi machine, essential options only. (documentation removed)

Jonathan Senkerik edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 3 revisions

Multimachines are a bit tricky to configure, so here is a simple example to create two different VM's with different settings.

  • The nodes object has an entry for each node.
    • In this example, there is two nodes (names). "vm-multi1" & "vm-multi2"
    • Each node can have it's own settings (cfg).
      • In this example, the box, number of vcpus, memory and storage size.
nodes = {
   "vm-multi1" => ["hashicorp/precise64", 1, 1024, 21 ],
   "vm-multi2" => ["generic/centos7",     2, 2048, 22 ],

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  nodes.each do | (name, cfg) |
    box, numvcpus, memory, storage = cfg

    config.vm.define name do |machine|      = box
      machine.vm.hostname = name
      machine.vm.synced_folder('.', '/Vagrantfiles', type: 'rsync')

      machine.vm.provider :vmware_esxi do |esxi|
        esxi.esxi_hostname         = 'esxi'
        esxi.esxi_username         = 'root'
        esxi.esxi_password         = 'file:'
        esxi.esxi_virtual_network  = "VM Network"
        esxi.guest_numvcpus        = numvcpus
        esxi.guest_memsize         = memory
        esxi.guest_storage         = storage
        #esxi.clone_from_vm        = box
        esxi.local_allow_overwrite = 'True'
