Ento is an entity component system framework built for Swift 2.0, inspired by Ash and Ashley
With thanks to artman's Signals implementation.
// Create engine
let engine:Engine = Engine();
// Add systems to engine
let system:TestSystem = TestSystem();
engine.addSystem(system, priority: 1);
// Create and add components to the entity.
let entity:Entity = Entity();
// Add entity to engine
try! engine.addEntity(entity);
// Tick the engine.
// You should usually do this on a frame by frame basis, passing the delta time
// since the last tick.
let mockDeltaTime:Double = 1.0;
You need to tick the engine manually by calling the update function of the engine, passing the delta time since the last update as a parameter.
In SpriteKit, it would be done as follows:
class GameScene: SKScene {
private var prevUpdateTime:Double = 0;
private let engine:Engine = Engine();
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
// Calculate delta time.
if (self.prevUpdateTime <= 0) {
self.prevUpdateTime = currentTime;
let deltaTime = currentTime - self.prevUpdateTime;
self.prevUpdateTime = currentTime;
The following example shows how a system, interested in entities with both components TestComponentA and TestComponentB can access the components from matching entities and perform tick logic.
public class TestSystem : ListIteratingSystem {
init() {
// Here you pass a family to the super constructor. The family determines what components
// an entity must have in order for this system to be interested in it.
// Possible options:
// All matches (i.e. AND)
super.init(family: Family.all(TestComponentA.self, TestComponentB.self));
// Any match (i.e. OR)
// super.init(family: Family.any(TestComponentA.self, TestComponentB.self));
// Exclude
// super.init(family: Family.none(TestComponentD.self, TestComponentC.self));
// Override update entity to perform your ticking logic on the entity.
override public func updateEntity(entity: Entity, deltaTime:Double) {
super.updateEntity(entity, deltaTime: deltaTime);
// This is how you get the components from the entity.
// Note that you could probably safely unwrap the result.
if let component:TestComponentA = entity.get(TestComponentA.self) {
// Some component logic.
component.value += deltaTime;
override public func onEntityAddedToSystem(entity: Entity) {
// Here you can perform one time only actions per entity when they are known to the system
// This could be used in a RenderSystem, for instance - in which you might add a component's display node
// to the scene.
override public func onEntityRemovedFromSystem(entity: Entity) {
// Here you can perform one time only actions per entity when they are removed from the system
// This could be used in a RenderSystem, for instance - in which you might remove a component's display node
// from the scene.
Ento is released under an MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information