This package is now deprecated and has been archived. For the current version of the Kendo UI Inputs for React, refer to the official website
This repository contains the source code and documentation of the Kendo UI Inputs package for React.
Currently, the package includes the Slider and Switch components.
We are working on porting the ones listed below too:
- ColorPicker
- MaskedTextBox
- NumericTextBox
For more information on upcoming Inputs features, refer to the Roadmap.
The Slider lets users select a value from a predefined range. These values can be increased or decreased over a pre-defined step by dragging a handle along the track, or by clicking the side arrow buttons.
<div id="app"></div>
class SliderContainer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
max: 10,
min: 0,
step: 2
onChange(e) {
value: e.value
render() {
return (
max = {this.state.max}
min = {this.state.min}
onChange = {this.onChange}
smallStep = {this.state.step}
<SliderContainer />,
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the Slider documentation.
The Switch is a component that lets the user toggle between checked and unchecked states.
<div id="app"></div>
class SwitchContainer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
checked: false,
disabled: false,
onLabel: 'ON',
offLabel: 'OFF'
onChange = (e) => {
checked: e.checked
render() {
return (
<SwitchContainer />,
For more examples and available configuration options, refer to the Switch documentation section.
The Inputs components are published as a public scoped NPM package in the Telerik organization in
Install it using NPM.
npm install --save @telerik/kendo-react-inputs;
Once installed, import the module.
// ES2015 module syntax
import {Slider, Switch} from 'kendo-react-inputs';
// CommonJS format
var Slider = require('kendo-react-inputs').Slider;
var Switch = require('kendo-react-inputs').Switch;
To install the npm package, it is recommended that you use Node.js 5.0.0 or later versions.
The Inputs components work in all browsers supported by the React framework—Internet Explorer 9 and later versions.
Below are explained the basic terms the suite for React applies.
A Component refers to a React Component.
A package contains one or more components, developed in a single repository and distributed in a single NPM package. For example, the Slider, MaskedTextBox, NumericTextBox, and Switch components for React are part of the Inputs Package.