COVID Results is a script to scrape Ontario / Hospital websites and email you when COVID test results are available
Use Yarn (or NPM) package manager to install
yarn install
node run.js
Ontario Health Example: { "facility": "OHIP", "fname": "Jon", // First Name as it appears on your Health card "lname": "Smith", // Last Name as it appears on your Health card "pcode": "M5M4N4", // Postal Code, No spaces "hcn": "1234567890", // Health Card Number, 10 digits "vc": "AA", // Version Code (Follows Health Card Number), 2 letters "scn": "RR1234567", // Number from rear of Health Card "dob": "1901-01-01", // Date of Birth, Year-Month-Day "sex": "M", // Sex, M, F, or O (other) "noresults" : [9,18], // Hour you wish to receive a 'no results' email, based on 24 hour clock. "email": "[email protected]" // Address to email results from this patient }
North York General Example: { "facility": "NYGH", "fname": "Jon", // First Name as it appears on the form from North York General "lname": "Smith", // Last Name as it appears on the form from North York General "pcode": "M5A4B8", // Postal Code, No spaces "mrn": "2178831", // Medical Records Number, as it appears on the form from North York General "email": "[email protected]" // Address to email results from this patient }
Jonathan J Davis [email protected]