This is my vim setting colleciton, it's make for OSX , so I am not sure if it can work on windows. I tried it on linux, it works well for most of time.
Some of these settings may need a vim version large than 7.4 with pyhton2 support, if you are using native vim on Mac OSX, you may need to install a new one by brew
- erlang
- c/cpp/ojbc
- golang
- java
- markdown
- python
- scala
- shell
- xml
- auto saving(when you exit insert mode, or every 5 seconds in normal mode)
- code snippet
- code completion ( supported by YCM )
- fuzzy file finding, tag finding, command finding
- auto tag generating for c,cpp
- comment plugin
- auto pairing(suported by auto-pairs)
The installation will take a long time to run :BundleInstall in vi, if you get stuck at the last step, you can just reopen a vim and re-run :BundleInstall
via wget
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
via curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
This plugin set is using ag as fuzzy finder source, so you may need to install it by yourself. Trust me, this is amazing.
Please read to vimrc, you can see all plugins there, you can get help from their doc file or git readme file so you will know how to use them, Some of the frequently used plugins are:
- vim-airline
- fzf
- nerdtree
- grepper
- leader-c
- vim-surround
- auto-pairs
You can start from fzf
, nerdtree and grep at first, with them you can work in most of situation
If you need to do pyhotn completion, please install jedi, which is needed by jedi-vim
pip install jedi
You can use clang-tags to source the cpp reference, check it out here
If you need to use golang completion, please run the following command provided by vim-go in vim after you have finished installing all package
If you need to use java completion, you may suffer from long latency when you open a .java
at first time, don't worry, it won't take such long latency the next time. Maybe you will need a javac
to compile some jar file needed by vim-javacomplete2.
If you need to use erlang completion , you may need to have escript excutable file in your $PATH , which means that you need to install erlang locally so you can have erlang-completion.
Refer to the readme in vim-erlang , you will need to set up wrangler and host name to make the plugin work
also, you should define the path for wrangler:
let g:erlangWranglerPath='/Users/johnzeng/bin/wrangler'
- For all completion plugin I use
to trigger completion list .But I still recommand that you use<C-p>
to do most of your completion, that is faster and more vim style. <leader>
key is<space>
instead of\
to troggle nertree<C-n>
to grep the key word under course<leader>n
to grep a key word<F3>
to toggle the indent line
in insert mode to use smart delete, this allows you to delete a word until under score or uppper case. Try it out.<leader>f
to open a fzf (fuzzy finder)<leader>b
to open a buff searcher<leader>t
To search all generated tags in fuzzy mode<c-p>
to open a fuuzy history searcher<leader>q
to quit vim<leader>j
to move to next buffer or previous buffer<C-d>
in virsual mode to copy from vim to system clipboard (need clipboard feature support, read:help clipboard
for more info)<C-d>
in insert mode to paste to vim from system clipboard (need clipboard feature support, read:help clipboard
for more info)- J (Shift + j)in normal mode to show all bookmarks and input a key for it to jump to it.
to save a session in the current directory<F4>
Toggle the tagbar (this will need ctags support, and it must be exuberant ctags🙃)<leader>x
To check all supported command from plugins
If you are using nvim, or ycm , you may need to set up python program in your .vimrc
file like this:
let g:python3_host_prog = "/usr/local/bin/python3"
let g:python_host_prog = "/usr/local/bin/python"
let g:ycm_server_python_interpreter = "/usr/bin/python"
the python path need to fix with your own system, please use which python3
or which python
to check it out