- How do I run this project, João?
- What's Zustand?
- DevTools - Redux
- Persist data from State into Client Storage
- References
- Install the package dependencies:
npm install
- Then, run the development server:
npm start
- Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the app running;
- It's a pretty simple and easy state manager to use in your React apps;
- A pretty good alternative for Redux;
- Really small pieces of code;
- You can manipulate and see the Zustand states live! Using a Chrome Extension and the devtools method provided by Zustand;
- Check the commits here;
- Install the Redux extension;
- Then, you can check your browser:
- Initial State:
- You can persist data from the Zustand state in the Client local storage, using the persist method provided by Zustand;
- Check the commits here and here;
- Then, you can check your browser at the Application tab - dev mode:
- undefined variable: