Welcome to Harden Script Installation
Harden.sh is a single file zero config shell script to be run to harden a newly installed linux os. Harden.sh aims to set a sensible baseline which can be built upon for specific needs.
- Zero Config
- Zero Install
- Single file shell script
Run one of the following commands to automatically install wireguard.
bash <(wget -q -O - https://harden.sh/harden.sh)
bash <(curl -s https://harden.sh/harden.sh)
This script changes the ssh port to 141. And restricts ssh to key only for the created admin user if an admin user is created.
- Updates packages
- Restricts firewall to only allow ssh on
- Installs fail2ban
- Configures the kernel
- Adds daily cronjob to update packages on server
- Installs and configures auditd with sensible rules
- Disables core dumps
- Restricts logins
- Create a new admin user
- Restricts ssh and enables only the created admin user
- Adds a legal banner to /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net
- Installs packages recommended by lynis
- Installs and sets up aide
- Enables process accounting
- Disables uncommon filesystems
- Disables firewire and usb storage
- Disables uncommon network protocols
- Restricts access to /root
- Restrict access to compilers
- Moves tmp to tmpfs
- Remounts /tmp /proc /dev /run to be more restrictive
- Purges old and removed packages
- Debian 10
- Debian 8
- (Should work with most debian and debian based OS's)
- Others are coming soon
Please open pull requests and issues on github for anything you find.