This library wraps the wspubctrl library with JSON validation capabilities. It provides an easy way to:
- Stream JSON data over websocket.
- Accept JSON control messages and reply with status, over websockets.
- Automatically validate incoming and outgoing messages.
The websocket pub/sub and ctrl logic is provided by wspubctrl. The wrappers in this project simply do JSON decoding and validation.
JSON validation is done using jws, which is just a thin wrapper around nlohmann/json and pboettch/json-schema-validator.
The networking backend is based on Simple-Websocket-Server, a websockets client/server wrapper based on Boost.ASIO.
These instructions assume you are using cmake.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make
or, to include in your project
In your CMakeLists.txt, add:
add_subdirectory(path/to/jwspubctrl jwspubctrl)
add_executable(myserver myserver.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myserver jwspubctrl)
See wspubctrl for required dependencies.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -D BOOST_ROOT='C:\path\to\boost' -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -D BUILD_TESTS=ON ..
$ cmake --build .
To build examples, configure with
Run examples:
cd build
./time_server ../examples/time_server/schemas/publish.json ../examples/time_server/schemas/ctrl_request.json ../examples/time_server/schemas/ctrl_reply.json
CLI Client:
cd build
./time_client localhost:5554 /ctrl /pub ../examples/time_server/schemas/publish.json ../examples/time_server/schemas/ctrl_request.json ../examples/time_server/schemas/ctrl_reply.json
HTML/JS client:
Open examples/time_client.html
in a web browser.