This repo contains a collection of makefiles that will take concatemeric long reads, generate polished monomers, cluster the results alongside erference sequences, and build gene trees.
NOTE: currently, it is assumed that you have already used the concatemer_finding workflow to isolate concatemeric reads. The starting point is:
- a fastq file of repetetive long reads
- a tsv file indexed on read ids with a "repeat_size" column
You will also need to download the VOG HMM db and eggnog DB for the last two steps (clustering and tree building).
For more information or to cite, use:
Note: This workflow wil not work on windows or macos. The required dependencies are only available for linux at the moment.
First, clone this repository locally.
Second, install the necessary software with conda:
conda env create -p ./conda.env -f ./conda.yaml
Note: replace "conda" with "mamba" (if you have mamba installed) for faster installation.
At this point, you can test the installation with the reduced set of data in ./test/data without downlading any database.
The following commands will run through the workflows. Note, that for the snakemake commandas, you can alther the number of threads used with the "-j" option.
First, activate the conda environment:
conda activate ./conda.env
Next, extract monomers:
snakemake -s paper/Snakefile.frags -j 10 -p
Then, self-polish the monomers:
snakemake -s paper/Snakefile.veime -j 10 -p
Polish again, but with short reads:
snakemake -s paper/Snakefile.racon -j 10 -p
Optionally, cluster polished monomers alongside known satellites:
snakemake -s paper/Snakefile.module -j 10 -p
Optionally, build a tree of tyrosine integrases:
snakemake -s paper/Snakefile.iqtree -j 10 -p
Note, iqtree will fail if you request more threads (via -j) than are available on your system.
Finally, to run on real data, you'll need to download the VOG and EggNOG databases:
To get the latest VOG definitions, create a local folder to store them in, download and upack the archive, and concatenate all the hmm files into one DB:
mkdir -p /local/path/to/VOGS
wget -c
tar -zxvf vog.hmm.tar.gz
cat VOG[0-9]*.hmm > VOGS.hmm
You will also want to download the VOG descriptions file. This contains the functional annotations for each VOG family.
Eggnog mapper, installed in the conda environment, comes with a script to download the database for you. All you have to do is tell snakemake where to store the data. The first time, snakemake will download the data. On subsequent runs, if you specify the same db location, the previously downlaoded data will be reused.
WARNING: The current EggNOG database will take up about 50GB of space and needs an extra 20GB or so to download and uncompress files.
If you do not speciy an eggnog DB location, only HMM annotations are used.
If you do specify an eggnog datanase, you must tell snakemake to use conda. The eggnog environment is incompatible with other items in the main environment.
When running the Snakemake.module or snakemake.iqtree workflows, specify database locations as follows:
snakemake -j 10 -p -s paper/Snakefile.module \
--config hmm_db=/local/path/to/VOGS/VOGS.hmm \
eggnog_data_dir=/local/path/to/eggnog_data \
--use-conda --conda-frontend=mamba
As with the database locations (see above), configuration parameters can be specified on the command line with the "--config key=value" pattern. User modifiable params are found at the top of each Snakefile. Other than the database locations, the most useful ones are:
- working_dir: (all workflows) this is where the output will be written
- reads_fasta: (Snakefile.frags) the initial set of concatemeric reads
- cmer_data: (Snakefile.frags) table with repeat sizes
- short_reads: (Snakefile.racon) fastq with short reads for polishing
- hmm_db: (Snakefile.module, Snakefile.iqtree) hmm file with VOG models
- eggnog_data_dir: (Snakefile.module) location to find (or put) eggnog
- eggnog_tmp_dir: (Snakefile.module) fast scratch location for tmp files
- tree_annot: (Snakefile.iqtree) gene or genes (HMM ids) to build trees on
You will need:
- a fasta file of read sequences
- a tab separated text table indexed on reads with a column giving repeat size
Note: either the table or the fasta file will need to be limited to just the concatmeric reads.
This exampls assumes you've run the concatemer_finding workflow on a set of long reads. That workflow will generate:
- a table of concatemer stats for a few different methods
- a fasta file of length-filtered long reads
You must then inspect the concatemer table and (1) either select one method to pull repeat_size from or merge the results into a single column and (2) drop reads that don't pass the filtering (using the "state" columns). See the concatemer worflow for details.
Make sure you've created and activated the conda environment first!
The first workflow will need the input file locations and a location of a working directory to put generated files.
snakemake -s veime_workflows/paper/Snakefile.frags \
--config \
working_dir=/data/jmeppley/veimes/25m \
reads_fasta=/data/jmeppley/veimes/cmers/25m/reads.filtered.fasta \
cmer_data=/data/jmeppley/veimes/cmers/25m.repeat_sizes.tsv \
-j 25 -p -k
The next workflow just needs the working directory
snakemake -s veime_workflows/paper/Snakefile.veime \
--config \
working_dir=/data/jmeppley/veimes/25m \
-j 25 -p -k
The self-polished VEIMEs will be in: {working_dir}/polished_fragments.fasta
If you want to add short read polishing, you'll need a fastq file of short reads:
snakemake -s veime_workflows/paper/Snakefile.racon \
--config \
working_dir=/data/jmeppley/veimes/25m \
short_reads=/data/jmeppley/25m/short_reads.fastq \
-j 25 -p -k
The very polished VEIMEs will be in: {working_dir}/polished_fragments.2x.racon.c.95.aS.5.G0.g0.fasta
This workflow needs two things:
- a table of fasta files (with your VEIMEs and things you want to compare them to). See the example used for testing. If you are processing multiple sampes, you can combine them here.
- a single HMM file with models deliniating gene families. EG: VOG or TIGRFAM
The VOG hmms can be found here. Download the tarball, unpack it, and concatenate the individual HMMs into a single large file:
mkdir -p /data/databases/VOGS/VOGS
cd /data/databases/VOGS/VOGS
wget -c
tar -zxf vog.hmm.tar.gz
cat *.hmm > ../VOGS.hmm
Note, this leaves the individual HMMs in the VOGS/ directory next to the VOGS.hmm file. This is where the iqtree workflow will look for them.
If you would also like to use eggNOG annotations (recommended), just give the workflow a location where it can download the database.
snakemake -s veime_workflows/paper/Snakefile.module \
--config \
genomes_source_file=/data/jmeppley/veimes/modules/sources.tsv \
hmm_db=/data/databases/VOGS/VOGS.hmm \
eggnog_data_dir=/data/databases/eggnog_data \
working_dir=/data/jmeppley/veimes/modules \
--use-conda --conda-frontend=mamba \
-j 10 -p -k
(Coming soon, sorry)
As of now, some key dependencies are unavailable or unstable on MacOS. There is a workaround.
Many of the dependencies come from bioconda which has not yet made binaries available for Apple's new M1 and M2 ARM-based chips. MacOS is capable of running intel binaries on the new chips, but you have to tell conda to use them. There are two ways to do this:
Option 1: Install the intel miniconda and use that to install all the dependencies.
Option 2: Install the Apple M1 miniconda, but allow it to use intel binaries if the ARM binaries are missing:
conda config --add subdirs osx-64
Note, mixing binaries can sometimes cause problems, so revert this setting when you are done creating the envornment for this project:
conda config --remove subdirs osx-64
Medaka can be finicky, especialy on MacOS. See the workaround below.
In Snakefile.modules, the bipartite_modules rule can fail:
Error in rule bipartite_modules:
This may be due to a problem with the igraph binary. You can force snakemake to compile a new version of igraph with --use-conda:
snakemake -j 8 -s papers/Snakefile.modules --use-conda
In general, if there is an error, snakemake will report something like this:
Error in rule align_tree_dir_vog:
jobid: 4
output: test/run/tree_VOG00035/VOG00035.aln
hmmalign -o test/run/tree_VOG00035/VOG00035.aln --amino --informat FASTA --trim test/run/VOG_tmp/VOG00035.hmm test/run/tree_VOG00035/VOG00035.faa > test/run/tree_VOG00035/VOG00035.aln.log 2>&1
(one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)
Most rules are configured to capture all output to rule-specific log files. The first thing to do is to look at the log file. In the case above:
$ cat test/run/tree_VOG00035/VOG00035.aln.log
Error: Sequence file test/run/tree_VOG00035/VOG00035.faa is empty or misformatted
In this case, there were no genes found with VOG00035.
If you get an error in the medaka rule, and the log looks something like this:
Illegal instruction: 4 medaka tools list_models
Then there is a mismatch between the binary and your CPU. There are two things to try here.
First, use conda and pip to recompile the binary locally. Snakemake can do this for you with the --use-conda flag:
snakemake -j 8 -s paper/Snakefile.veimes --use-conda
If that doesn't work, you can simply skip the medaka step. The racon polishing is usually good enough on its own. To skip medaka set the use_medaka variable to False:
snakemake -j 8 -s paper/Snakefile.veimes --config use_medaka=False
If you encounter the error above, where the faa file for tree bulding is empty, check that the VOG is in your annotation table:
$ grep -c VOG00035 test/run/genomes.genes.tsv
This can happen if you use default gene (VOG00035) for tree building or updated your VOG HMMs. The VOG ids can change between versions, and genes that were present before may have new names.