MVMOO utilises GPflow 2.0+ to perform multi-objective optimisation for mixed variable systems. The algorithm utilises the gower distance metric to enable Bayesian multi-objective optimisation methods to be used on mixed variable systems.
To install it is recommended you follow the installation instructions for GPflow 2.0+ and Tensorflow 2.1+, once Tensorflow and GPflow have been successfully installed it is then recommended to install the remaining packages (see requirements.txt)
A future release utilising PyPI is planned. In the meantime you can clone the repository using git
git clone
Then you can install the project locally using the following command, when in the project directory
cd <project directory>
pip install .
An example on how to use the optimisation algorithm is given below. This is for the optimisation of a mixed variable version of the VLMOP2 test problem
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from MVMOO import MVMOO
import time
def discretevlmop2(s):
x = s[:,:2]
d = s[:, 2]
transl = 1 / np.sqrt(2)
part1 = (x[:, [0]] - transl) ** 2 + (x[:, [1]] - transl) ** 2
part2 = (x[:, [0]] + transl) ** 2 + (x[:, [1]] + transl) ** 2
y1 = np.zeros((np.shape(s)[0],1))
y2 = np.zeros((np.shape(s)[0],1))
for i in range(np.shape(s)[0]):
if d[i] == 1:
y1[i] = 1 - np.exp(-1 * part1[i])
y2[i] = 1 - np.exp(-1 * part2[i])
y1[i] = 1.25 - np.exp(-1 * part1[i])
y2[i] = 0.75 - np.exp(-1 * part2[i])
return np.hstack((y1, y2))
Once the packages have been imported you can perform the multi-objective optimisation as follows, in the current form the bounds for discrete variables must be place at the end of the bounds array
optimiser = MVMOO(input_dim=3, num_qual=1, num_obj=2, bounds=np.array([[-2,-2,1],[2,2,2]]))
Xtest = optimiser.sample_design(samples=100000, design='random')
Ytest = discretevlmop2(Xtest)
Yfront = optimiser.paretofront(Ytest)
sortedind = np.argsort(Yfront[:,0])
Ysorted = Yfront[sortedind,:]
plt.scatter(Ysorted[:,0],Ysorted[:,1],label='Pareto Front',s=10)
plt.title('Mixed Variable vlmop2 Pareto Front')
Xstore = []
Ystore = []
for k in range(1):
X = optimiser.sample_design(samples=5, design='lhc')
Y = discretevlmop2(X)
for i in range(30):
start = time.time()
xmax, _ = optimiser.multinextcondition(X,Y)
end = time.time()
print("Time elapsed get next condition: " + str(end - start) + " seconds.")
ysample = discretevlmop2(xmax.reshape((1,3)))
X = np.concatenate((X,xmax))
Y = np.concatenate((Y,ysample))
if i == 0:
Xiter = xmax
yiter = ysample
Xiter = np.concatenate((Xiter,xmax))
yiter = np.concatenate((yiter,ysample))
plt.scatter(Ysorted[:,0],Ysorted[:,1],label='Pareto Front',s=2)
To cite the MVMOO algorithm, please reference the Journal of Global Optimization paper.
author = {Manson, Jamie A. and Chamberlain, Thomas W. and Bourne, Richard A.},
doi = {10.1007/s10898-021-01052-9},
issn = {0925-5001},
journal = {Journal of Global Optimization},
month = {jul},
pages = {},
title = {{MVMOO: Mixed variable multi-objective optimisation}},
url = {},
year = {2021}