An integrated worklow based on genome-mapping and DE gene assessment to conduct RNAseq data analyses in Colosse
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
Note that ALL the scripts must be launched from the root folder rna-seq_mapping_workflow/
git clone
cd rna-seq_mapping_workflow
This script will create two directories 00_scripts/trinity_utils and 00_scripts/trinotate_utils
cd 00_scripts/trinity_utils/
make plugins
cd ../..
still have to properly configurate trinity on Colosse
cp /path/to/the/data/repository/*.gz 02_data
- Import univec.fasta
wget 01_info_files/univec.fasta
Add your specific adaptors if absent in the database.
- Trimming
Two scripts are provided for Single-End or Paired-end data, 00_scripts/ and 00_scripts/, respectively.
First you need to change the userID and userEmail for your proper info in ./00_scripts/colosse-jobs/
Then launch:
You may also want to check the quality of your data prior to trimming using 00_scripts/utility_scripts/ This will require to have fastQC installed in your $PATH.
msub /00_scripts/
Before launching the mapping, make sure you changed the userID and userEmail information in the script ./00_scripts/colosse_jobs/
Then launch:
This script will create a job by individual.
Before launching the mapping, make sure you changed the userID and userEmail information in the script ./00_scripts/
msub /00_scripts/
java 1.7 or higher