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Copyright (c) 2016, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory All rights reserved.

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SLMech is a mechanization of Separation Logic for a C-like language embedded in the Coq interactive proof assistant.

SLMech is intended to allow a user to construct program correctness proofs by specifying a pre-condition and post-condition, and applying specialized tactics to show that if a program executed in a state satisfying the precondition terminates, then the final state will satisfy the postcondition.

SLMech is a work in progress.

To guarantee proof correctness, SLMech is written entirely in Gallina (the language of Coq). At this time, SLMech still relies on a handful of additional axioms documented below. We hope to eliminate as many of these axioms as possible in the near future.


SLMech depends on Coq. It has been tested against version 8.4.


SLMech includes a simple makefile. To build, you should simple type

$ make

Alternatively, SLMech can be installed via opam, currently this requires adding a custom opam for this repository. Adding the pin will automatically install the SLMech package.

$ opam pin add coq-slmech .

Related Projects

SLMech implements the logical core of the proof environment and can be used directly in any Coq environment to prove properties of programs written in the SLMech input language (we prefer GNU Emacs with ProofGeneral).

However, we believe that customizing the proof experience to specifically target program verification has the potential to greatly improve the usability of SLMech. To that end, we have prototyped two additional tools:

  • slmc: a Clang libtooling based compiler for automatically translating (some) C code to SLMech's input language

  • exterminator: a proof of concept, debugger-like user interface for SLMech.


  • SLMech/Memory.v: Defines the basic model for program heap and store as partial functions from disjoint subdomains (chunk) to values of type val

  • SLMech/ProgramData.v: Definitions for manipulating program data. Defines the SLMech program state, grammar and coercion functions for mapping between val and Coq integers. Includes Notation definitions for arithmetic and logical operators used by SLMech code

  • SLMech/ProgramSemantics.v: Defines big and small step semantic relations for the SLMech's statement subgrammar (term, atom, and stmt defined in ProgramData.v)

  • SLMech/Assertions.v: Defines basic propositions and operators for SLMech state assertions

  • SLMech/SequentialProof.v: Defines the lemmas and tactics used to step through SLMech programs and manipulate state assertions.

  • SLMech/Automation.v: Additional tactics for manipulating SLMech sprops and programs

  • SLMech/HeapString.v: Library for describing C-style NULL terminated strings in the heap

  • SLMech/PLinkedListProperties.v: Library for describing linked lists.

  • Max.v: Example SLMech program and proof for computing the max of two integers

  • Swap.v: Example SLMech program and proof for swapping two integers.

Program Data Types

SLMech's model for program data types is currently rudimentary. All program values are represented as Coq values of the inductive type val:

Inductive val: Type :=
  | Vundef: val
  | Vsint32 z : sint32_bound z -> val
  | Vuint32 z : uint32_bound z -> val
  | Vsint64 z : sint64_bound z -> val
  | Vuint64 z : uint64_bound z -> val.

Where sint32_bound etc. are predicates indicating that the value is within the appropriate bounds.

Notably all vals are considered to be the same size in the heap (and the elements of the store are sizeless). This will cause issues when attempting to prove properties of programs that perform byte level operations on words.

Additional constructors are necessary for representing addresses as values, and for additional primitive data types (e.g., int8_t).

Due to the use of Z as the basic type quantifying the information in each of the nontrivial constructors, it was helpful to define Z_to_uint64, Z_to_uint32, Z_to_sint64, and Z_to_sint32 functions each having a type of Z -> option val. In the case of Z_to_uint64 (resp. Z_to_uint32) the output is never None, as overflow behavior is well defined in unsigned types, and so any given input, z, is converted to z mod 2^{64} (resp z mod 2^{32}) and the proof given for the constructor that the value is within bounds is Z.mod_pos_bound. In the other case of Z_to_sint64 (resp. Z_to_sint32) the input integer is checked, but never changed and so the proof given to the constructor is inherent in the "vetting" process.

C-style coercion between integer types within binary expressions is handled by an explicit function:

	promte_arith : (Z -> Z -> Z) -> (option val -> option val -> option val)

When either input option val is None or Some Vundef then promote_arith produces a None output. Otherwise, for f : Z -> Z -> Z, ov1 = Some (valtype1 n _), and ov2 = Some (valtype2 m _) we have promote_arith f ov1 ov2 produces Z_to_valpromote (f n m) where valpromote is the expected promotion type of valtype1 and valtype2. A similar definition, called promote_bool, exists for lifting bool comparators in Z to option bool comparators in option val.

Composite data types in the heap can be represented by defining relations between the the base address of the structure and a Coq type representing the composite data. The heap_string predicate defined in HeapString.v is an example of this pattern:

Inductive heap_string : option val -> string -> sprop := 
| heap_string_null :
    forall (a : val) (st : state),
      (a ↦ (Z_to_uint64 0)) st ->
      heap_string (Some a) EmptyString st
| heap_string_step :
    forall (a : val) p q  (st : state),
    ((a ↦ Some (vnat (nat_of_ascii p)))☆
	 (heap_string (vadd (Some a) (Z_to_uint64 1)) q)) st -> 
      heap_string (Some a) (String p q) st.

A program value is related to a Coq string in a particular state if either the value points to a value of 0 in the heap and the string is the empty string, or the value points to a number that is the ASCII encoding of the first character of the string and the next location in the heap is related to the tail part of the string.

Program Syntax and Semantics


Programs, really subroutines, to be analyzed in SLMech follow a somewhat C-like syntax of statements and expressions embedded in Coq. The statement types are arranged in a hierarchy of complexity:

Inductive term : Type :=
| skip : term
| abort : term
| ret : term.

Inductive atom : Type :=
| terminal : term -> atom
| assign : var -> expr -> atom
| heapload : var -> expr -> atom
| heapwrite : expr -> expr -> atom
| pcons : var -> var -> expr -> atom
| dispose : expr -> atom
| local : var -> term -> atom.

Inductive stmt : Type :=
| atomistic : atom -> stmt
| ifelse : bexpr -> stmt -> stmt -> stmt -> stmt
| while : bexpr -> stmt -> stmt
| atomic : stmt -> stmt
| seq : stmt -> stmt -> stmt.

The differentiator is that terms do not modify program state, atoms may modify state but do not contain any sub-statements, and stmts may contain sub-statements. Separating out these three classes of statements simplifies many proofs that rely on reducing complexity from stmt to term.

Notations are defined to provide a more imperative style syntax for writing SLMech programs. e.g.,

((ifelse (x < y)
    (res ≔ y)
    (res ≔ x));;
ret ;;


The program semantics of SLMech is given by the steps relation defined in ProgramSemantics.v:

	steps : stmt -> (term * state) -> (term * state) -> Prop

The first parameter stmt should be seen as the current instruction being considered, the second parameter (term * state) as the state, with a term modifier of the program before stepping over the statement given by the first parameter and we think of the third parameter (term * state) as the state with term modifier that results from stepping through said stmt.

When a skip is used as a modifier to the state, we consider the program to have neither returned nor aborted and is continuing along as per usual. An abort tells us that our program has aborted and thus no other lines read can change the state or the modifier. Similarly, a ret modifier tells us that the program has stepped through a ret statement, meaning that nothing can change either the modifier or the state. We refer to an element of (term * state) as an extended state.

Thus the first few cases of steps are:

  | steps_aborted : (*An aborted state does not change for any given stmt*)
      forall (c : stmt)(s : state),
        steps c (abort, s)(abort, s)

  | steps_returned : (*When hitting a return stmt, you ignore any following statements*)
      forall (c : stmt)(s : state),
        steps c (ret, s)(ret, s)

Of the other statement claues, only while is particularly interesting:

  (*If some chain of length n reaches a skip, then the loop halts*)
  | steps_while_halt : forall (b : bexpr)(c : stmt) (s1 s2 : state),
                         (exists (n : nat), steps (partial_while b c n) (skip, s1) (skip, s2)) ->
                         steps (while b c) (skip, s1) (skip, s2)

  (*Here we're equivocating between a "real" abort and an infinite loop*)
  | steps_while_abort : forall (b : bexpr)(c : stmt) (s1 s2 : state),
                          (forall (n : nat), steps (partial_while b c n) (skip, s1) (abort, s2)) ->
                          steps (while b c) (skip, s1) (abort, s2)

  (*If some chain of length n reaches a return statement, then the loop halts and goes into a return*)
  | steps_while_ret : forall (b : bexpr)(c : stmt) (s1 s2 : state),
                        (exists (n : nat), steps (partial_while b c n) (skip, s1) (ret, s2)) ->
                        steps (while b c) (skip, s1) (ret, s2)

The first clause is the nominal case in which the while loop completes without hitting an abort or a return. The latter two cases respectively cover an abort or return occuring during execution of the loop.

The partial_while function unrolls the while loop n times. This definition of while limits SLMech to proofs that hold only for a finite number of loop iterations.

Program Heap Model

As one would expect, the heap is maps addresses (Coq values of type addr) to values (Coq values of type val). However, rather than represent the heap directly as a function or a list of pairs, we represent it as two separate objects. The first object is a set, domain with the usual classical set operations and relations associated with it (union, intersection, subset, etc.). The second object is a partial function, heap\_f which takes in a domain and an addr and outputs a val. This division simplifies bookkeeping when heaps are decomposed, modified, and reconstituted during the process of reasoning about a programs behavior.

Chunks and Addresses

The elements of the domain are sets of addresses, known as chunks. These chunk objects are added or removed from the domain whenever a call to malloc or free occurs. To ensure that the addresses contained in each distinct chunk is not contained in any other chunk the following axiom was created

Axiom chunk_unique :
  forall (c c' : chunk)(a : addr),
    In a c -> In a c' -> c = c'.

In addition to being the elements of the chunk sets, the addresses are given a total ordering thus meaning that chunk sets can be implemented as OrderedTypeWithLeibniz. This leaves us with some useful machinery, not the least of which is the canonical listing of each element in each chunk, that comes for free. Unfortunately, as the addition of chunks is the newest addition to the heap model, none of these advantages have been exploited as of yet. An obvious suggestion would be to add a chunk_bits predicate that would work in an identical way to the current store_bits predicate.

Domains and Partitions

As already discussed, the domain type is a set of sets of addr types. Whereas before it was necessary to track how the entire heap was split into subheaps, it is now only necessary to keep track of how the domains are split up into disjoint subdomains. The predicate, heap_bits, keeps track of a list of subdomains which partition the set

Inductive heap_bits : list domain -> domain -> Prop :=
| empty_heap : heap_bits nil empty
| non_empty_heap : forall (d k : domain) (l : list domain),
  heap_bits l d
    -> Empty (inter k d)
    -> heap_bits (k::l) (union k d).

From the above, we can see that this gives us a list of subdomains that are pairwise disjoint and union to the whole set. Hence, the list of subdomains associated with heap_bits essentially partition the set, though we do allow for entries to be empty. The fixpoint function union_list and the inductive construction pw_disjoint help to characterize heap\_bits in a more straightforward manner

Fixpoint union_list (l : list domain) : domain :=
  match l with
    | nil => empty
    | a::l' => union a (union_list l')

Inductive pw_disjoint : list domain -> Prop :=
| pw_disjoint_nil : pw_disjoint nil
| pw_disjoint_cons : forall (a : domain) (l : list domain),
                     Empty (inter a (union_list l)) ->
                     pw_disjoint l ->
                     pw_disjoint (a::l).

As we can see union_list takes a list of domains and produces their union. Next, pw_disjoint asserts the domains in a list of domains are pairwise disjoint. Thus, as we expect from our intuitive understanding of the heap_bits predicate, we have the following

Lemma heap_bits_iff : forall (l : list domain) (d : domain),
                        heap_bits l d <->
                        d [=] union_list l /\
                        pw_disjoint l.

This is a fairly useful tool in proving various lemmas involving heap_bits such as:

Corollary heap_bits_lists_comm :
     forall (d : domain) (l l' : list domain),
          heap_bits (l++l') d -> heap_bits (l'++l) d.

The heap_f Partial Function

The second component of a heap is the heap function:

heap_f : domain -> addr -> option val

This is a partial function that returns None if and only if the address is not in the domain. The partial functionality is enforced by two axioms. The first axiom is given by

Axiom heap_f_out_of_bounds :
  forall (h : heap_f) (d : domain) (a : addr), 
    ~In' a d <-> h d a = None.

Which assures that any heap\_f function will return None on the sole condition that the address being evaluated is not found in the domain being evaluated.

The second axiom assures us that as long as an evaluated address is contained within an evaluated domain the resultant value does not change when moving to a larger domain

Axiom heap_pf :
  forall (h : heap_f) (d d' : domain) (a : addr)(v : val),
    d [<=] d' -> h d a = Some v -> h d' a = Some v.

Thus, one is now free to reason about how the domain is partitioned without needing to reason about reads and writes on the heap.

Program Store Model

The store binds program variables (Coq values of type var) to program values (Coq values of type val). It is architected similarly to the heap as domain of variables, called locals, and a partial function over that domain

store_f : locals -> var -> option val

As expected a similar set of rules to those in the case of the heap_f type enforces that the store_f type behaves as a partial function.

Axiom store_f_out_of_bounds :
	forall (s : store_f) (l : locals) (v : var), 
    ~In v l <-> s l v = None.
Axiom store_pf :
  forall (s : store_f) (l l' : locals) (x : var)(v : val),
  l [<=] l' -> s l x = Some v -> s l' x = Some v.

The Var module (defining the Coq type representing program variables) has type OrderedTypeWithLeibniz which defines an explicit total ordering onthe variables. The major advantage to this is that the locals set can be implemented via MSetList. This allows a store_bits predicate which allows us to easily track the relationship between Coq variables and the program variables they represent (in particular, that distinct Coq variables always represent distinct program variables).

Definition store_bits l s := elements s = l.


SLMech relies on a handful of axioms beyond the core logic of Coq. Some of these are necessary to define the behavior of abstract entities (such as the heap and store functions). Others are expediencies that we are working to eliminate. The complete list of axioms is included below.


  • addr_max_pos asserts that the maximum address value is uint64 max
  • chunk_equality makes set equality logically equivalent to Leibniz equality
  • chunk_unique asserts that chunks contain unique keys
  • heap_f_out_of_bounds asserts that a heap function is undefined (None) for all inputs not in its domain
  • heap_pf asserts that if a heap function is defined for some input in a subdomain, then it has the same value for the same input in a larger domain
  • heap_equality asserts that set equality is equivalent to Leibniz equality for domains
  • store_f_out_of_bounds asserts that a store is undefined (None) for all inputs not in its domain
  • store_pf asserts that if a store is defined for some input in a locals sublist, then it has the same value for the same input in a larger locals list
  • store_equality asserts that set equality is equivalent to Leibniz equality for locals


  • error_vals asserts that the termination values ERR_SUCCESS and ERR_ERROR are distinct.


  • steps_well_defined asserts that the small step relation steps is a well defined function


  • bijective_coercion_1 asserts that coercing an address to a value and back doesn't change the address


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