This is a base/pattern project used by me, in order to develop any project in TypeScript & NodeJS. This project contains only the folders structure and a basic model and a Users CRUD.
NodeJs (
TypeScript (
Prisma JS (
Cors (
ExpressJs (
MorganJS ( \
First of all, you need set your environment variables at .env.example following the instructions contained at commented lines there, then save the file removing the .example from the file name. After that you can run the following command:
npm install
You just need to add a new block of code accondingly to the User model at ./prisma/schema.prisma
. After that you would need to migrate your tables, using the following command:
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
Now you're ready to go! You just need to:
npm run dev
and boom! Application running! Good luck at your development. Once you have finished the development, you can now build you application for production. Just run
npm run start
and now you have your release code at ./build
folder. 🎉
Prisma - Queries documentation ->
Deploying your application using Heroku ->