Fork of old pbdagcon with python libraries for use with nanocorr
pbdagcon is a tool that implements DAGCon (Directed Acyclic Graph Consensus) which is a sequence consensus algorithm based on using directed acyclic graphs to encode multiple sequence alignment.
It uses the alignment information from blasr to align sequence reads to a "backbone" sequence. Based on the underlying alignment directed acyclic graph (DAG), it will be able to use the new information from the reads to find the discrepancies between the reads and the "backbone" sequences. A dynamic programming process is then applied to the DAG to find the optimum sequence of bases as the consensus. The new consensus can be used as a new backbone sequence to iteratively improve the consensus quality.
While the code is developed for processing PacBio(TM) raw sequence data, the algorithm can be used for general consensus purpose. Currently, it only takes FASTA input. For shorter read sequences, one might need to adjust the blasr alignment parameters to get the alignment string properly.
The code and the underlying graphical data structure have been used for some algorithm development prototyping including phasing reads, pre-assembly and a work around to generate consensus from intermediate Celera Assembler outputs.
The initial graphical algorithm was a pure python implementation. Cython was then use to speed it up.
Check out the example/ directory to see how to use it.
This code is released under the assumption it will help the community to adopt the PacBio data and make interesting science project possible and more feasible. It is not an official software release from the PacBio(TM) software developing organization.
Currently a WIP, the code is transitioning from python to C++ so things will
move around a bit. The new C++ code has been placed in cpp/ subdirectories.
The following are instructions on how to build the C++ pbdagcon executable. Note that some PBI-related build dependencies have been embeded within this project. After cloning the repository you must update the alignment and pbdata submodules referenced in the project.
# first register the submodules within the pbdagcon project
> git submodule init
Submodule 'alignment' ( registered for path 'alignment'
Submodule 'pbdata' ( registered for path 'pbdata'
# this actually clones the modules into your workspace
> git submodule update
Cloning into 'alignment'...
remote: Counting objects: 249, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (120/120), done.
remote: Total 249 (delta 130), reused 244 (delta 127)
Receiving objects: 100% (249/249), 1.08 MiB | 639 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (130/130), done.
Submodule path 'alignment': checked out 'f393f6977f4900b1eeb395717aa85c43850108af'
Cloning into 'pbdata'...
remote: Counting objects: 137, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (71/71), done.
remote: Total 137 (delta 66), reused 134 (delta 66)
Receiving objects: 100% (137/137), 84.30 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (66/66), done.
Submodule path 'pbdata': checked out '8f710746f0fc04ed31948c1aefe055301dfc9ddb'
- boost Popular C++ utility library (1.46 or 1.47)
- log4cpp Logging library (1.0 or 1.1)
- gtest Google's C++ unit test Library (to build tests, at least 1.3.0)
# build and run unit tests
> make test
# build pbdagcon executable
> make
> cd src/cpp
# usage
> ./pbdagcon --help
The most basic use case where one can generate a consensus from a set of alignments using the pbdagcon executable directly.
At the most basic level, pbdagcon takes information from BLASR alignments sorted by target and generates fasta-formatted corrected target sequences. The alignments from BLASR can be formatted with either -m 4 or -m 5. For -m 4 format, the alignments must be run through a format adapter, src/, in order to generate suitable input to pbdagcon.
The following example shows the simplest way to generate a consensus for one target using BLASR -m 5 alignments as input.
> blasr queries.fasta target.fasta -bestn 1 -m 5 -out mapped.m5
> pbdagcon mapped.m5 > consensus.fasta
Walks through how one could use pbdagcon to correct PacBio reads. This
example demonstrates how correction is performed in PacBio's "Hierarchichal
Genome Assembly Process" (HGAP) workflow. HGAP uses BLASR -m 4 output.
This example makes use of the src/ and src/ scripts.
# First filter the m4 file to help remove chimeras
> mapped.m4 > mapped.m4.filt
# Next run the m4 adapter script, generating 'pre-alignments'
> mapped.m4.filt mapped.m4.filt reads.fasta 24 > mapped.pre
# Finally, correct using pbdagcon, typically using multiple consensus
# threads.
> pbdagcon -j 4 -a mapped.pre > corrected.fasta
The src/cpp/ script automates this workflow.
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