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Node library to print PDFs from a website following sitemap protocol


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Website 2 PDF (website2pdf)


This tool aims to print pages from a website into PDF files.
To achieve that, the website must follow the sitemap protocol.

NB: this tool was originally created to print pages from a Hugo website, that's why the default value of the sitemap URL to check is http://localhost:1313.

How it works?

  • Website2pdf will crawl the website based on the sitemapUrl option to retrieve all URLs that have to be printed
  • Website2pdf will add header/footer in each file based on the displayHeaderFooter option, and use header.html and footer.html if found in the directory based on the templateDir option.
  • Website2pdf will save all PDF file in the directory based on the outputDir option.
  • Generated PDFs are named using the <title> html tag by default (unless specific option is used)

How to use it?


npm install website2pdf


●      __          __  _         _ _       ___  _____    _  __
●      \ \        / / | |       (_) |     |__ \|  __ \  | |/ _|
●       \ \  /\  / /__| |__  ___ _| |_ ___   ) | |__) |_| | |_
●        \ \/  \/ / _ \ '_ \/ __| | __/ _ \ / /|  ___/ _` |  _|
●         \  /\  /  __/ |_) \__ \ | ||  __// /_| |  | (_| | |
●          \/  \/ \___|_.__/|___/_|\__\___|____|_|   \__,_|_|

Usage: website2pdf [options]

NB1: Website2Pdf will search for header.html and footer.html files from the template-dir and use them respectively as
header and footer definition when printing PDFs.

NB2: Margins have default values depending on the option used:
===> when display-header-footer=true
-      margin-top  = margin-bottom = 50px
-      margin-left = margin-right  = 0px
===> when display-header-footer=false
-      margin-top  = margin-bottom = 0px
-      margin-left = margin-right  = 0px

Common options:
      --chromiumFlags, --chromium-flags                   Chromium flags set at Puppeteer launch                [string]
      --chromiumHeadless, --chromium-headless             Chromium headless option set at Puppeteer launch
                                                                                             [string] [default: "shell"]
      --displayHeaderFooter, --display-header-footer      Turn on header and footer printing  [boolean] [default: false]
      --excludeUrls, --exclude-urls                       Exclude urls matching a regex from printing process   [string]
      --format, --format                                  Set PaperFormat of generated PDF      [string] [default: "a4"]
      --marginBottom, --margin-bottom                     Margin bottom (50px or 0px)                           [string]
      --marginLeft, --margin-left                         Margin left                          [string] [default: "0px"]
      --marginRight, --margin-right                       Margin right                         [string] [default: "0px"]
      --marginTop, --margin-top                           Margin top (50px or 0px)                              [string]
      --mergeAll, --merge-all                             Merge all PDF generated into a single one (merged.pdf)
  -o, --outputDir, --output-dir                           Relative path of the output directory
                                                                                             [default: "./w2pdf_output"]
      --outputFileNameUrlMap, --output-file-name-url-map  Output file name to URL map in JSON format
                                                          (urlToFileNameMap.json)                              [boolean]
      --processPool, --process-pool                       Pool of parallelized process            [number] [default: 10]
      --safeTitle, --safe-title                           Safely generate file title by replacing special chars
                                                                                              [boolean] [default: false]
      --serveSitemap, --serve-sitemap                     Serve local sitemap                                   [string]
  -s, --sitemapUrl, --sitemap-url                         Sitemap URL
                                                                 [string] [default: "http://localhost:1313/sitemap.xml"]
  -t, --templateDir, --template-dir                       Relative path of the templates directory
                                                                                           [default: "./w2pdf_template"]
      --urlTitle, --url-title                             Generate file title using last URL fragment
                                                                                              [boolean] [default: false]
      --waitUntil, --wait-until                           Comma-separated list of PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent used to wait
                                                          until specific event is fired on page
                                                                     [string] [default: "domcontentloaded,networkidle2"]

Other Options:
      --debug    Turn on debug logging                                                        [boolean] [default: false]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                                                           [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                                                                     [boolean]

  website2pdf --chromium-flags="--no-sandbox                    Use specific chromium options at Puppeteer launch
  website2pdf --chromium-headless="true"                        Use specific chromium headless option at Puppeteer
  website2pdf --display-header-footer                           Print PDFs with header and footer
  website2pdf --display-header-footer --margin-left="50px"      Use header and footer and set specific margins
  website2pdf --exclude-urls="\/fr\/"                           Exclude urls of french language
  website2pdf --format="a3"                                     Set PaperFormat type
  website2pdf --merge-all                                       Merge all PDF generated into a single one (merged.pdf)
  website2pdf --output-dir="./output"                           Use specific output directory
  website2pdf --output-file-name-url-map                        Output file name to URL map in JSON format
  website2pdf --process-pool=20                                 Use specific count of parallelized process
  website2pdf --safe-title                                      Safely generate file title by replacing special chars
  website2pdf --serve-sitemap="sitemap.xml"                     Serve a local sitemap
  website2pdf --sitemap-url="http://localhost:80/sitemap.xml"   Use specific sitemap URL
  website2pdf --template-dir="./templates"                      Use specific template directory
  website2pdf --url-title                                       Generate file title using last URL fragment
  website2pdf --wait-until='domcontentloaded,networkidle0'      Wait until both domcontentloaded and networkidle0 events
                                                                are fired on page

Additional information:


Default example

$ npx website2pdf
2022-01-01 00:00:00.000  INFO
●      __          __  _         _ _       ___  _____    _  __
●      \ \        / / | |       (_) |     |__ \|  __ \  | |/ _|
●       \ \  /\  / /__| |__  ___ _| |_ ___   ) | |__) |_| | |_
●        \ \/  \/ / _ \ '_ \/ __| | __/ _ \ / /|  ___/ _` |  _|
●         \  /\  /  __/ |_) \__ \ | ||  __// /_| |  | (_| | |
●          \/  \/ \___|_.__/|___/_|\__\___|____|_|   \__,_|_|

2022-01-01 00:00:00.000  INFO Printing 2 PDF(s) to w2pdf_output\fr
2022-01-01 00:00:00.000  INFO Printing 2 PDF(s) to w2pdf_output\en
2022-01-01 00:00:00.000  INFO
│                   Results summary                             │
│ URL             │ PDF file                          │ Status  │
│ /               │ w2pdf_output/en/Homepage.pdf      │ PRINTED │
│ /fr/            │ w2pdf_output/fr/Homepage.pdf      │ PRINTED │
│ /first-page/    │ w2pdf_output/en/First_page.pdf    │ PRINTED │
│ /fr/first-page/ │ w2pdf_output/fr/Première_page.pdf │ PRINTED │

How to use Header and Footer?

You can choose the page dimension / page size with the --pageSize option. The default size is A4 but can be any PaperFormat.

To include specific header and footer in PDF pages, two HTML files must be provided, named respectively header.html and footer.html (in ./w2pdf_template by default).

Because of a limitation in puppeteer, a default margin must be set (at least for top and bottom) to display headers and footers.

By default website2pdf is setting the following margins depending on the displayHeaderFooter option (these default values can be override using the marginX options of website2pdf):

  • displayHeaderFooter=false
     ⬌ 0px      0px ⬌
    │  │           │   │⬍ 0px
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │⬍ 0px
  • displayHeaderFooter=true
     ⬌ 0px      0px ⬌
    │  │           │   │⬍ 50px
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │
    │  │           │   │⬍ 50px

The following types of configurations are available to expand header and footer:

  • standard options of headerTemplate and footerTemplate from Puppeteer
  • expanded variables from meta tags of HTML page:
    • Given the following HTML meta tag (using a ${META_KEY} as a placeholder):
      <meta name="specificKey" content="A specific value">
      And the following header and/or footer template:
      The result template will be:
      <span>A specific value</span>
  • images encoded as base64 from local files (:warning: only available for png files):
    • Given the following header and/or footer template (using a ${image:PATH} as a placeholder):
      <image src="${image:./local_image_path/image.png}">
      The result template will be:
      <image src="">