A simple (really simple) library for working with ISO639-3 language codes. Tested for Python 2.7 & 3.4.
Includes data from Congress library: http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php (+ updates)
The easiest way is using pip
pip install langiso639
If you are using Fedora 24+, you can install iso639 using dnf:
dnf install python2-langiso639
# or
dnf install python3-langiso639
Thanks, unknown Fedora packagers :-)
- pycountry: https://bitbucket.org/flyingcircus/pycountry - a more-featured package
- iso639: https://github.com/noumar/iso639 - another package with the same name
import langiso639
>>> langiso639.to_name('sv')
>>> langiso639.to_native('sv')