BSP 03 of the student Paul Houssel
This project seeks to develop an autonomous drone able to recognise and follow a person. With the help of Artificial Intelligence we can detect the person's face we want to follow and track them, this useful tool has indeed an essential role in the scientific part.
This repository will explain the organisation of my technical delivrable.
In this repository you can find two folders :
- AI :
- :
Python script I wrote in order to learn the opencv module on python.
This script allows me to capture my webcan and recognise the edges present
in the video
Creation of a tracking algorithm. Not optimised, it is really slow.
Recognises face with a trained opencv model and then attempts to track them.
The script can recognise multiple persons in one video. In function of the
person face size it will determine which person to follow.
This file was just an experimentation.
- haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml :
XML file storing data (a lot) about
a trained AI model that is able to recognise faces.
source :
- :
Same as '' with another trained opencv model
that is able to recognize faces. This model is less efficient
then the other one.
- Tello :
This folder contains all the code related to the tello drone.
- : Python script that I build to experiment with the tkinter
python module. This GUI was only experimental to familiarize myself
with the module.
- : Python script running a Graphical User Interface in which
the user can control the drone with the commands. The user can also
see the live feed from the drone webcam.
Furthermore, the drone is able to recognize the users face and (for the
moment) go down or up in function of the users position in the frame
- : Python program in which the user can communicate with the
drone. Same principle as, however the user has not access to a
GUI. This script is also not optimised, the difference between the two
script reaction is clearly visible
- Tello SDK Documentation EN_1.3_1122.pdf : Official Documentation from
DJI electronics. This tells us how to send and receive UDP packets
from and to the tello drone.
- haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml : XML file storing data (a lot) about
a trained AI model that is able to recognise faces.
source :
Guide to use :
With this python script you will be able to control the tello drone with the
help of a GUI :
- Install the script
- Install all necessary python modules with the pip command on your terminal
- Turn on your drone
- Connect your PC's wifi antenna to the Tello network (name : TELLOXXXXX)
- Run the python script on your pc
- The GUI will open on your screen
Written by Paul Houssel