Contains info on the SNP Calling pipeline, for downstream of analysis after QC of HMAS data
Current Path: /scicomp/home/ick4/data/snpcalling
(referred to herein as $HOME/$PROJECT
Path for data used in analysis: $HOME/$PROJECT
Raw data located here: /scicomp/groups/OID/NCEZID/DFWED/EDLB/projects/CIMS/Salmonella/SnpCalling
Script for calling SNPs from HMAS data.
At the moment this script takes sorted, de-duplicated .bam files (follows from Sean's GATK script)
A stripped-down version of that only extracts SNPs from vcf files.
I made this because I needed to run some very large bam files through mpileup manually.
A simple flowchart to track the logic of the SNP calling
After running on the 266 files in DesignSet and LyveSet, some of them stalled. I created a table to show bam, bcf, and vcf files (columns) for each sample (row) There are blanks where files did not get generated.
4 of the 5 samples that didn't finish were excessively large files (>1G) and 1 is corrupt.
import os, glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def check_if_exists(x, orig_list, new_list):
na = ""
if any(x in s for s in orig_list):
orig_x = [i for i in orig_list if x in i]
bams = sorted(glob.glob('./*deDup.bam'))
bcfs = sorted(glob.glob('./*deDup.bcf'))
vcfs = sorted(glob.glob('./*deDup.vcf'))
bams = [os.path.basename(x) for x in bams]
bcfs = [os.path.basename(x) for x in bcfs]
vcfs = [os.path.basename(x) for x in vcfs]
basenames = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in bams]
base_bams = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in bams] # Same as basenames
base_bcfs = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in bcfs]
base_vcfs = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in vcfs]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = np.arange(3))
for f in basenames:
bam = check_if_exists(f, bams, new_list)
bcf = check_if_exists(f, bcfs, new_list)
vcf = check_if_exists(f, vcfs, new_list)
pd_list = pd.Series([bam,bcf,vcf], index = df.columns)
df = df.append(pd_list, ignore_index = True)
df.to_csv('snp_caller_struggles.txt',sep='\t', header = False, index = False, index_label = None)
Struggled to figure out how to do this with pandas, so after 5 minutes of Googling I just used sed
sed -i "s/'//g" snp_caller_struggles.txt
sed -i "s/\[//g" snp_caller_struggles.txt
sed -i "s/\[//g" snp_caller_struggles.txt
Files that samtools mpileup choked on:
1.8G Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.bam
ran this one by hand; took a full day
1.2G Sal_JEG_EC20121179deDup.bam
ran this and next 4 in 3-4 hours (after work hours)
1.3G Sal_JEG_EC20121180deDup.bam
856K Sal_JEG_OLF-SE4-0317-8deDup.bam
3.4M Sal_JR3_62-z36_RKS2983deDup.bam
bcf was produced but not the vcf (tried again and it was still corrupted 'No BGZF EOF marker; file may be truncated')
Commands to run by hand:
bcftools mpileup -O b -o Sal_JEG_EC20121177deDup.bcf -f /scicomp/home/ick4/data/snpcalling/test/ReferenceSequenceFiles/GCA_000022165.1_ASM2216v1_genomic.fna Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.bam
bcftools call --ploidy 2 -m -v -o Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.vcf Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.bcf
Created by: Jessica Rowell Last modified: 9/4/2020