Releases: jeroendesloovere/geolocation-php-api
Releases · jeroendesloovere/geolocation-php-api
Fixed typo with safe_mode curl call
2.1.1 Merge pull request #12 from voku/patch-1
https is now by default true
2.1.0 Add two tests for https = false
Added type casting in methods
- Added type casting in methods
- Code style optimizations
CodeSniffer added
Run CodeSniffer vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=psr2 --extensions=php --warning-severity=0 --report=full "src"
getAddress and getCoordinates now result object
- getAddress now returns JeroenDesloovere\Geolocation\Address
- getCoordinates now returns JeroenDesloovere\Geolocation\Coordinates
Throw `GeolocationException` when an error occurs
Throw GeolocationException
when an error occurs - #10
Added "api-key" and "https"
Merge pull request #7 from apalethorpe/master Add support for HTTPS and Google Maps API keys
Removed static functions
1.3.1 Tests updated
Tests added + new function getAddresses()
1.2.0 (2015-05-21)
- getAddress now returns array('label' => '', 'components' => array(array('long_name', 'short_name', 'types' => array())));
- New function getAddresses now added.
- Tests added.
Namespacing completed
1.1.0 Composer autoload fixed