The back-end tool for This tool will retrive the selected currency exchange rate with the base currency of NTD from international credit card organizations. Currently supporting VISA, Mastercard and JCB.
- Command line tool to retrive VISA currency
(with PhantomJS headless browser)- (2016.12.17 Updates, the above file no longer working)
- visa-w3m.js
- Command line tool to retrive MasterCard currency
- Command line tool to retrive JCB currency
git clone
cd payWhich
npm install
# Edit config.json to configure mysql password
cp config.sample.json config.json
vim config.json
# Create Table
mysqldump -u [user] -p [db_name] < paywhich.sql
You are required to specific the target currency (usually the country where your card was charged), and the day offset from today. (Target currency list could be edit in config.json
For day offset. VISA can be set to 0 (They offser currency exchange rate everyday). MasterCard and JCB should be set to 1. PayWhich will not insert anything to your database if no currency is retrived or the debug tag -v
is presented.
node visa.js 0 USD [-v]
# VISA with PhantomJS (If your IP was banned by VISA)
phantomjs visa-headless.js 0 USD [-v]
# MasterCard
node master.js 1 USD [-v]
## JCB (No target currency is required)
node jcb.js 1 [-v]
node crontab-gen.js [--nocron]