6 new issues
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Reference build: Plugins » analysis-model » main #244
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Error | Warning High | Warning Normal | Warning Low |
0 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
Check warning on line 50 in src/main/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/YoctoScannerParser.java
ci-jenkins-io / CheckStyle
String literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.
Raw output
<p>Since Checkstyle 5.0</p><p> Checks that any combination of String literals is on the left side of an equals() comparison. Also checks for String literals assigned to some field (such as <code>someString.equals(anotherString = "text")</code>). </p><p> Rationale: Calling the <code>equals()</code> method on String literals will avoid a potential NullPointerException. Also, it is pretty common to see null checks right before equals comparisons, which is not necessary in the example below. </p><p> For example, this code: </p><pre><code> String nullString = null; nullString.equals("My_Sweet_String"); </code></pre><p>should be refactored to:</p><pre><code> String nullString = null; "My_Sweet_String".equals(nullString); </code></pre>
Check warning on line 69 in src/main/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/YoctoScannerParser.java
ci-jenkins-io / CheckStyle
Name 'score_v2' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.
Raw output
<p> Checks that local, non-<code>final</code> variable names conform to a format specified by the format property. A catch parameter is considered to be a local variable. </p>
Check warning on line 70 in src/main/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/YoctoScannerParser.java
ci-jenkins-io / CheckStyle
Name 'score_v3' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.
Raw output
<p> Checks that local, non-<code>final</code> variable names conform to a format specified by the format property. A catch parameter is considered to be a local variable. </p>
Check warning on line 85 in src/main/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/YoctoScannerParser.java
ci-jenkins-io / CheckStyle
'}' at column 9 should be alone on a line.
Raw output
<p>Since Checkstyle 3.0</p><p> Checks the placement of right curly braces (<code>'}'</code>) for if-else, try-catch-finally blocks, while-loops, for-loops, method definitions, class definitions, constructor definitions, instance and static initialization blocks. The policy to verify is specified using the property <code> option</code>. For right curly brace of expression blocks please follow issue <a href="https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle/issues/5945">#5945</a>. </p>
Check warning on line 105 in src/main/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/YoctoScannerParser.java
ci-jenkins-io / CheckStyle
'if' construct must use '{}'s.
Raw output
<p>Since Checkstyle 3.0</p><p> Checks for braces around code blocks. </p>
Check warning on line 17 in src/test/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/YoctoScannerParserTest.java
ci-jenkins-io / CheckStyle
No empty lines after opening curly braces allowed
Raw output
<p>Since Checkstyle 5.0</p><p> A check for detecting that matches across multiple lines. Works with any file type. </p><p> Rationale: This check can be used to when the regular expression can be span multiple lines. </p>