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Edison Sift Parsers

A javascript library that takes the Edison Sift API results and returns the optimal fields (title, subtitle, etc) for presentation. Also includes a simplified API for fetching vendors and travel images.

Getting Started

Add the package with: yarn add


import { flightParser, getSiftVendor } from 'edison-sift-parsers';

const parsedFlight = flightParser(sift);
const flightVendor = await getSiftVendor(parsedFlight);
const flightImage = await getTravelImage(;

Sift Domain Parsers

Sift parsers take the original response and return a payload for display purposes.


Property Type Description
type string 'flight'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
status string Flight status
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
endTime string DateTime string for when the last flight ends
startTime string DateTime string for when the first flight departs
departures array Array of departure objects
airport object The airport object if found in AirportMapping
travelers array Array of names for the passengers for the flight
reservationNumber string The reservation number for the flight
checkinData object the data necessary to check into a flight (AirlineCheckinMapping)
broker string The broker of the reservation
city string A cleaned string with just the name of the departure city
cancelled bool If the flight was cancelled
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts
departure Property Type Description
departureTime string DateTime string for when the flight departs
arrivaltime string DateTime string for when the flight arrives
airport string The arrival airport IATA code
city string Arrival airport city name
destination bool If this flight is the final destination


Property Type Description
type string 'hotel'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
endTime string DateTime string for when the hotel reservation ends
startTime string DateTime string for when the hotel reservation begins
dates string The dates for the reservation
reservationNumber string The reservation number
hotelName string The name of the hotel or room
telephone string The phone number for the reservation
address string The street address of the reservation
rooms string The number of rooms in the reservation
roomType string The kind of room for the reservation (e.g. double queen)
days string Number of days for the reservation
broker string The broker for the reservation
destination string The location of the reservation
city string The city for the hotel
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'rental'
sift object The original sift payload
startTime string DateTime string for when the reservation begins
title string Title for the card
status string Rental status
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
pickupTime string DateTime string for the pickup time
dropoffTime string DateTime string for the pickup time
pickupLocation string The address where the car is picked up
dropoffLocation string The address where the car is dropped off
reservationNumber string The reservation number
carName string The make and model of car being rented
underName string The name the reservation is under
destination string The location of the reservation
city string The city for the rental reservation
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'train'
sift object The original sift payload
startTime string DateTime string for when the reservation begins
title string Title for the card
status string Rental status
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
provider string The provider
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
dates string The dates for the reservation
travelers array The names of the travlers
reservationNumber string The reservation number
trainNumber string The train number
city string The destination city
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'train'
sift object The original sift payload
startTime string DateTime string for when the reservation begins
title string Title for the card
status string Rental status
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
provider string The provider
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
dates string The dates for the reservation
city string The destination city
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'cruise'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
startTime string DateTime string for when the reservation begins
destination string DateTime string for when the reservation begins
dates string The dates for the reservation
times string The times for the reservation
cruiseLine string The name of the cruise line
reservationNumber string The reservation number
phone string The phone number for the reservation
address string The address for the reservation (departure)
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'purchase'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
subcategories array Array of categories the purchase belongs to
itemOffered string The name of the first item in the purchase, if it exists
orderNumber string The order number for the purchase
date string DateTime string for the purchase time
price string The total for the purchase
total string The total purchase price including tax
currency string The currency used for the purchase (e.g. USD)
tax string The amount of the tax for a purhcase
items array Array of items in the purhcase as objects
shipping string The shipping cost
primaryImage string The photo of the first item if it exists
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'shipment'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
status string The status of the package
startTime string DateTime for when the email arrived
endTime string DateTime for when the package should arrive
trackingNumber string The purchase tracking number
primaryImage string The image URL of the first item in the package
images array URLs for images in the package
items array array of objects for each item in the package
shipDate string DateTime for when the package ships
shipDate string DateTime for when the package ships
shipperName string The name of the shipping provider
broker string The broker for the package
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'restaurant'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
startTime string DateTime for when the reservation starts
date string The date of the reservation
time string The time the reservation starts
phone string The phone number for the reseravtion
address string The address of the reservation location
partySize string How many people the reservation is for
restaurantName string The restaurant name
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'event'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
startTime string DateTime for when the reservation starts
ticketUrl string The URL for the ticket
date string The date of the reservation
time string The time the reservation starts
address string The location of the event
locationName string The name of the event venue
provider string The name of the provider (seller)
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'bill'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
startTime string DateTime of the bill due date
price array The bill amount
dueDate string The due date of the bill
emailSubject string The email subject line
paymentUrl string The URL to pay the bill
vendor string The vendor's ID to use with the Vendor API
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Property Type Description
type string 'boardingpass'
sift object The original sift payload
title string Title for the card
subtitle string Subtitle for the card
emailTime number Unix time for the associated email
startTime string DateTime of the departure
endTime string DateTime of the arrival
reservations array Array of objects with reservation data
reservationId string The reservationId
uniqueId string ID used to removing duplicate sifts


Merges sifts with the same uniqueId into a more complete payload for that purchase, flight, etc. Helpful in removing duplicate sifts.



  • sifts: Array

Returns: Array of merged payloads with the uniqueId

  [{ uniqueId, payload }, { uniqueId, payload }...]


Accepts the parsed sifts and configuration with sift credentials and returns array of corrisponding vendor data. Each vendor is only fetched once

getSiftVendors(sifts, config);


  • sifts: Array
  • config: { user, token, env }

Valid env values:

  • development
  • staging
  • production

Returns: Promise

  • success: Array of vendor data.


Accepts a parsed sift and a configuration object with sift credentials. Returns the vendor for that sift if it exists.

getSiftVendors(sift, config);


  • sift: Object
  • config: { user, token, env }

Valid env values:

  • development
  • staging
  • production

Returns: Promise

  • success: The vendor data.


Accepts array of cities and returns images for each city.

getTravelImages(cities, api);


  • cities: Array
  • api: 'teleport' or 'wikipedia' (optional)

Returns: Promise

  • success: Array of city photo URLs.


Accept a city as a string and returns an image from either teleport or wikipedia.

getTravelImages(city, api);


  • city: String
  • api: 'teleport' or 'wikipedia' (optional)

Returns: Promise

  • success: Photo of the city.



Returns: The mapping of IATA codes to addresses.




  • vendorId: The vendorId from the sift payload

Returns: The url to check in, the name or id of the input field on the page, and the name of the airline for a specific vendor id.


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