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Run GCTB to estimate heritability

run :

  • used by default singularity image see dockerhub and github
  • profile :
  • slurmSingularity
  • batch
  • docker
  • dnanexus


  • option to defined action of script : --model :
    • gctb : run gctb to estimated ld [default]
    • gctb_ld : build ld matrix

general option

  • general option
  • output_pat : output of pattern
  • output_dir : directory outpuyt
  • gctb_bin [gctb]
  • memory_gctb : memory used gctb [20.Gb]

heritability using sumstat

  • sumstat : sumstat file can be gzip
    • sumstat_head_chr : chromosome header
    • sumstat_head_bp : bp header
    • sumstat_head_a1 : effect allele header
    • sumstat_head_a2 : non effect allele header
    • sumstat_head_rs : rs header
    • sumstat_head_pval : pval header
    • sumstat_head_se : standard error header
    • sumstat_head_beta : beta header
    • sumstat_head_freq : frequences
    • nvalue can be done as argument or header of sumstat:
    • sumstat_head_n : one or n header, separated by header
    • sumstat_n : n values [int]
  • gctb_impute_n : option to impute n, see --impute-n in gctb [default 0]
  • gctb_exclude_mhc : option to impute n, see --exclude-mhc in gctb [default 0]
  • matrice ld :
  • gctb_ld_bin : file contained list of ld build with gctb, extension bin [default : ""]
  • gctb_ld_bin_dir : directory containing bin file [default : "" ]
  • info ld :
  • gctb_ld_info : file contained list of info of gctb_ld_bin build with gctb, extension bin [default : ""]
  • gctb_ld_info_dir : directory containing info file of bin file [default : "" ]
  • model see more information :
  • gctb_bayesmod : model S, R [default S], tested just with S
  • gctb_hsqinit : heritability (see option --hsq of gctb)
  • update_rsid : file contained positions to update, file one position by line with chr bp rs, no header


run gctb to compute heritabilty

Created file for matrice

ls  ../ressource/ukb_50k_bigset_2.8M/*.bin > list_bin
ls  ../ressource/ukb_50k_bigset_2.8M/*.info > list_info

run gctb

#ID CHR POS ALT REF AF_ALT beta.ALT SE P Rsq N_case N_control
confluence_heritability/  --sumstat $sumstat   --sumstat_head_chr $hchr --sumstat_head_bp $hbp --sumstat_head_a1 $ha1 --sumstat_head_a2 $ha2 --sumstat_head_rs $hrs --sumstat_head_pval $hp --sumstat_head_beta $hbeta --sumstat_head_se $hse --sumstat_head_n $hn --sumstat_head_freq $hfreq   --gctb_ld_bin list_bin --gctb_ld_info list_info -resume -profile slurmSingularity

build LD ressourxce using plink file as input

  • see ressource (here)[] build ld used for heritability, bin info, clean SNPs
  • plink option and clean :
  • bfile : plink without ext [ "" ]
  • cpu_plink : cpu number for plink [ 2 ]
  • memory_plink : memory of plink [10.Gb]
  • clean plink file
  • plink_maf : clean minor allele frequence, val 0 - 0.5 [ .01]
  • plink_geno : missing for genotype, ratio val 0 - 1 [-1]
  • plink_hwe : p-value for hardy wendberg equilibrium by position[-1]
  • gctb_keepind : individual to extract from plink and analyse [""]
  • plink_shuffle : number positions randomly choose in plink [-1]
  • genome reference :
  • list_map : csv file contained file with genetics map, header chro,file

example run pipeline

  • using bfile from 1000 Genome vcf hg19 in plink
  • extract individual without relatdness using information

###Created file without inbredding see : confluence/buildld/afr_1000g/extract_ind_afr_v2.r


genomic reference

wget -c
tar -xf ASW_omni_recombination_20130507.tar
echo "chro,file" > list_map.csv
ls confluence/buildld/afr_1000g/ASW/*.gz|awk -F "-" '{print $(NF-1)","$0}' >> list_map.csv

run pipeline


ls $Dirgit//confluence_heritability/data_test/chr22/*.bin > $listbin
ls $Dirgit/confluence_heritability/data_test/chr22/*.info > $listinfo

echo "$Dirgit/confluence_heritability/  --sumstat $sumstat   --sumstat_head_chr $hchr --sumstat_head_bp $hbp --sumstat_head_a1 $ha1 --sumstat_head_a2 $ha2 --sumstat_head_rs $hrs --sumstat_head_pval $hp --sumstat_head_beta $hbeta --sumstat_head_se $hse --sumstat_head_freq $hfreq    --gctb_ld_bin $listbin --gctb_ld_info $listinfo -resume -profile slurmSingularity --memory_gctb "130GB"   --output_dir $output --output_pat $output --sumstat_head_n $hn"

ressource :

  • interpolate_ld : script modify of TODO

run on dna-nexus

see manual here

install and prepared folder

# install dx command line
#pip3 install dxpy --user
dx login or dx login --token xxxxx
#create a directory 
dx mkdir Aim2_Polygenicity/jeantristan
#what file are in one directory 
dx ls Aim2_Polygenicity
## upload data_test in polygenicity
#dx upload -r $dirgit/confluence_heritability/data_test --destination ./Aim2_Polygenicity/jeantristan/

build nextflow

  • command line take 1 to 2 minutes :
  • when command finish you will received a confirmation emel
  • command line return applet project reference to used on the next steps (otherwise you can find in folder where you have built nextflow applet)
dx login 
#deleted a previous workflow 
dx rm Aim2_Polygenicity/jeantristan/heritability/confluence_heritability
# @e build with profile dnanexus contained singularity image
dx build --nextflow   --repository   --destination Aim2_Polygenicity/jeantristan/heritability --profile  dnanexus

run example

dx login --token XXX
# variable to run pipeline
# general direction where are data using project name (found on dnanexus)
# dir ld with bin file and info
# sumstat
#header of sumstat
#Output of result
# output pattern

# run applet, using project id and applet.
dx run project-GYBZ3yj4BzFgB61K7vX9Fq9K:applet-Gf5Vp4842p63vz54544qyKP2 -i nextflow_pipeline_params="--sumstat $sumstat   --sumstat_head_chr $hchr --sumstat_head_bp $hbp --sumstat_head_a1 $ha1 --sumstat_head_a2 $ha2 --sumstat_head_rs $hrs --sumstat_head_pval $hp --sumstat_head_beta $hbeta --sumstat_head_se $hse --sumstat_head_freq $hfreq    --gctb_ld_bin_dir $dirbin --gctb_ld_info_dir $dirbin -resume  --memory_gctb 130GB   --output_dir $outputdir --output_pat $output --sumstat_head_n $hn"


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