In this tutorial, I will create simple and practical example of how to provision EC2 instance with Github Actions and Terraform. I will use workflow_dispatch type of workflow which is triggered manually by user, using Terraform Github action from HashiCorp.
Deploy EC2 instance of t3.small size to your AWS account using Github Actions and Terraform.
I will use ‘workflow_dispatch’ event for this, which is manually triggered.
This event occurs when someone triggers a workflow run on GitHub or sends a POST request to the "Create a workflow dispatch event" endpoint. For more information, see "Events that trigger workflows."
ADD secrets github AWS user key AWS user secret
- The provisioned instance based on ubuntu AMI.
- Instance type selected by default is t3.micro.
- Instance will be provisioned to default VPC | subnet | security group.
- Need to create SSH key pair to connect with provisioned instance.
- EC2 will be provisioned select by default ‘us-east-1’ region.
Now try to connect to this instance using ‘ssh-key’
I downloaded ssh-key.pem file
chmod 600 ssh-key.pem
ssh -i ssh-key.pem ubuntu@<IP Public>
uname -a