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javadev committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 6abd495 commit 6c3efb6
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Expand Up @@ -49,46 +49,32 @@ Here's the implementation:

class Solution {
func removeNthFromEnd(_ head: ListNode?, _ n: Int) -> ListNode? {

guard ((head?.next) != nil), n > 0 else {return nil}

func removeNthFromEnd(_ head: ListNode?, _ n: Int) -> ListNode? {
guard ((head?.next) != nil), n > 0 else {return nil}
var count = 0
var current = head

var current = head
while let currentNode = current{
count += 1
current =

current = head
count = count - n + 1

var prev: ListNode?

while let currentNode = current{

count -= 1

if count == 0{

if prev == nil{
count = count - n + 1
var prev: ListNode?
while let currentNode = current {
count -= 1
if count == 0 {
if prev == nil {
current = current?.next
return current
} else {
prev?.next = current?.next

prev = current
current = current?.next


return head

current = current?.next
return head
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Expand Up @@ -27,76 +27,4 @@ Given the `root` of a binary tree, return _the level order traversal of its node

* The number of nodes in the tree is in the range `[0, 2000]`.
* `-1000 <= Node.val <= 1000`

To solve the "Binary Tree Level Order Traversal" problem in Java with a `Solution` class, we'll perform a breadth-first search (BFS) traversal of the binary tree. Below are the steps:

1. **Create a `Solution` class**: Define a class named `Solution` to encapsulate our solution methods.

2. **Create a `levelOrder` method**: This method takes the root node of the binary tree as input and returns the level order traversal of its nodes' values.

3. **Initialize a queue**: Create a queue to store the nodes during BFS traversal.

4. **Check for null root**: Check if the root is null. If it is, return an empty list.

5. **Perform BFS traversal**: Enqueue the root node into the queue. While the queue is not empty:
- Dequeue the front node from the queue.
- Add the value of the dequeued node to the current level list.
- Enqueue the left and right children of the dequeued node if they exist.
- Move to the next level when all nodes in the current level are processed.

6. **Return the result**: After the BFS traversal is complete, return the list containing the level order traversal of the binary tree.

Here's the Java implementation:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;

class Solution {
public List<List<Integer>> levelOrder(TreeNode root) {
List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Initialize list to store level order traversal
if (root == null) return result; // Check for empty tree

Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>(); // Initialize queue for BFS traversal
queue.offer(root); // Enqueue the root node

while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int levelSize = queue.size(); // Get the number of nodes in the current level
List<Integer> level = new ArrayList<>(); // Initialize list for the current level

for (int i = 0; i < levelSize; i++) {
TreeNode node = queue.poll(); // Dequeue the front node
level.add(node.val); // Add node value to the current level list

// Enqueue the left and right children if they exist
if (node.left != null) queue.offer(node.left);
if (node.right != null) queue.offer(node.right);

result.add(level); // Add the current level list to the result list

return result; // Return the level order traversal

// Definition for a TreeNode
public class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;

TreeNode() {}
TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
this.val = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

This implementation follows the steps outlined above and efficiently computes the level order traversal of the binary tree in Java using BFS.
* `-1000 <= Node.val <= 1000`
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,46 +35,4 @@ A binary tree's **maximum depth** is the number of nodes along the longest path

* The number of nodes in the tree is in the range <code>[0, 10<sup>4</sup>]</code>.
* `-100 <= Node.val <= 100`

To solve the "Maximum Depth of Binary Tree" problem in Java with a `Solution` class, we'll perform a depth-first search (DFS) traversal of the binary tree. Below are the steps:

1. **Create a `Solution` class**: Define a class named `Solution` to encapsulate our solution methods.

2. **Create a `maxDepth` method**: This method takes the root node of the binary tree as input and returns its maximum depth.

3. **Check for null root**: Check if the root is null. If it is, return 0 as the depth.

4. **Perform DFS traversal**: Recursively compute the depth of the left and right subtrees. The maximum depth of the binary tree is the maximum depth of its left and right subtrees, plus 1 for the current node.

5. **Return the result**: After the DFS traversal is complete, return the maximum depth of the binary tree.

Here's the Java implementation:

class Solution {
public int maxDepth(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) return 0; // Check for empty tree
int leftDepth = maxDepth(root.left); // Compute depth of left subtree
int rightDepth = maxDepth(root.right); // Compute depth of right subtree
return Math.max(leftDepth, rightDepth) + 1; // Return maximum depth of left and right subtrees, plus 1 for the current node

// Definition for a TreeNode
public class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;

TreeNode() {}
TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
this.val = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

This implementation follows the steps outlined above and efficiently computes the maximum depth of the binary tree in Java using DFS traversal.
* `-100 <= Node.val <= 100`
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,80 +26,4 @@ Given two integer arrays `preorder` and `inorder` where `preorder` is the preord
* `preorder` and `inorder` consist of **unique** values.
* Each value of `inorder` also appears in `preorder`.
* `preorder` is **guaranteed** to be the preorder traversal of the tree.
* `inorder` is **guaranteed** to be the inorder traversal of the tree.

To solve the "Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal" problem in Java with a `Solution` class, we'll use a recursive approach. Below are the steps:

1. **Create a `Solution` class**: Define a class named `Solution` to encapsulate our solution methods.

2. **Create a `buildTree` method**: This method takes two integer arrays, `preorder` and `inorder`, as input and returns the constructed binary tree.

3. **Check for empty arrays**: Check if either of the arrays `preorder` or `inorder` is empty. If so, return null, as there's no tree to construct.

4. **Define a helper method**: Define a recursive helper method `build` to construct the binary tree.
- The method should take the indices representing the current subtree in both `preorder` and `inorder`.
- The start and end indices in `preorder` represent the current subtree's preorder traversal.
- The start and end indices in `inorder` represent the current subtree's inorder traversal.

5. **Base case**: If the start index of `preorder` is greater than the end index or if the start index of `inorder` is greater than the end index, return null.

6. **Find the root node**: The root node is the first element in the `preorder` array.

7. **Find the root's position in `inorder`**: Iterate through the `inorder` array to find the root's position.

8. **Recursively build left and right subtrees**:
- Recursively call the `build` method for the left subtree with updated indices.
- Recursively call the `build` method for the right subtree with updated indices.

9. **Return the root node**: After constructing the left and right subtrees, return the root node.

Here's the Java implementation:

class Solution {
public TreeNode buildTree(int[] preorder, int[] inorder) {
if (preorder.length == 0 || inorder.length == 0) return null; // Check for empty arrays
return build(preorder, inorder, 0, preorder.length - 1, 0, inorder.length - 1); // Construct binary tree

// Recursive helper method to construct binary tree
private TreeNode build(int[] preorder, int[] inorder, int preStart, int preEnd, int inStart, int inEnd) {
if (preStart > preEnd || inStart > inEnd) return null; // Base case

int rootValue = preorder[preStart]; // Root node value
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(rootValue); // Create root node

// Find root node's position in inorder array
int rootIndex = 0;
for (int i = inStart; i <= inEnd; i++) {
if (inorder[i] == rootValue) {
rootIndex = i;

// Recursively build left and right subtrees
root.left = build(preorder, inorder, preStart + 1, preStart + rootIndex - inStart, inStart, rootIndex - 1);
root.right = build(preorder, inorder, preStart + rootIndex - inStart + 1, preEnd, rootIndex + 1, inEnd);

return root; // Return root node

// TreeNode definition
public class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;

TreeNode() {}
TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
this.val = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

This implementation follows the steps outlined above and efficiently constructs the binary tree from preorder and inorder traversals in Java.
* `inorder` is **guaranteed** to be the inorder traversal of the tree.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,81 +32,4 @@ Given the `root` of a binary tree, flatten the tree into a "linked list":
* The number of nodes in the tree is in the range `[0, 2000]`.
* `-100 <= Node.val <= 100`

**Follow up:** Can you flatten the tree in-place (with `O(1)` extra space)?

To solve the "Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List" problem in Java with a `Solution` class, we'll use a recursive approach. Below are the steps:

1. **Create a `Solution` class**: Define a class named `Solution` to encapsulate our solution methods.

2. **Create a `flatten` method**: This method takes the root node of the binary tree as input and flattens the tree into a linked list using preorder traversal.

3. **Check for null root**: Check if the root is null. If so, there's no tree to flatten, so return.

4. **Recursively flatten the tree**: Define a recursive helper method `flattenTree` to perform the flattening.
- The method should take the current node as input.
- Perform a preorder traversal of the tree.
- For each node, if it has a left child:
- Find the rightmost node in the left subtree.
- Attach the right subtree of the current node to the right of the rightmost node.
- Move the left subtree to the right subtree position.
- Set the left child of the current node to null.
- Recursively call the method for the right child.

5. **Call the helper method**: Call the `flattenTree` method with the root node.

Here's the Java implementation:

class Solution {
public void flatten(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) return; // Check for empty tree
flattenTree(root); // Flatten the tree

// Recursive helper method to flatten the tree
private void flattenTree(TreeNode node) {
if (node == null) return;

// Flatten left subtree

// Flatten right subtree

// Save right subtree
TreeNode rightSubtree = node.right;

// Attach left subtree to the right of the current node
node.right = node.left;

// Set left child to null
node.left = null;

// Move to the rightmost node of the flattened left subtree
TreeNode current = node;
while (current.right != null) {
current = current.right;

// Attach the saved right subtree to the right of the rightmost node
current.right = rightSubtree;

// TreeNode definition
public class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;

TreeNode() {}
TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
this.val = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

This implementation follows the steps outlined above and efficiently flattens the binary tree into a linked list using preorder traversal in Java.
**Follow up:** Can you flatten the tree in-place (with `O(1)` extra space)?

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