Git Repo Maintainance:
- push local branch to remote: git push (remote) (branch)
- track remote branch: git checkout -b (branch) (remote/branch)
- merge branches: git checkout (mergeto branch); git merge (mergefrom branch)
- delete branch: git branch -d (branch)
- gitignore file: first "git rm -r --cached .", then "git add .", then "git commit -am ...."
Project Management:
- We usually collaraboratively work on the develop branch. You are encouraged to create your own local branch to play around.
- Everytime before you resume coding, please pull the repo first, in case other temmember has modifed the code.
Understanding Large graphs: similarity & summarization
Danai Koutra (CMU)
- graph similarity: two graphs with correspond nodes, but different edges
simple features:
- edge overlap (EO)
- vertex/edge overlap
- vertex ranking (pagerank)
- maximum common subgraph
Complex features:
- signature similarity (fingerprint -- by Garcia-Molina '10' (what's the intuition?)
- Axioms