Example of using the Skupper command with podman to connect 2 network locations
I have the following network configuration:
- Physical network:
- Physical host: skupper1
- libvirt host:
- libvirt network:
- Forwarding: NAT
- libvirt VM's with web sites:
- clienta
- clientb
The physical network devices cannot access the web sites running on the libvirt VM's. I would like for skupper1 to be able to reach the web sites on the 2 libvirt VM's
Create an unprivileged user on the skupper1, clienta, and clientb hosts. I chose a form of my name: jdicke. This user will need sudo rights to run commands with or without a password. It does not matter which. The user is also specified in the ansible.cfg. This is the user skupper will run as.
Download this project to a directory under the unprivileged user's home directory on skupper1, clienta, and clientb.
I chose ~/ansible_playbooks/configure_skupper.
Install Ansible on all 3 hosts. If installing via pip use the following while logged on as the unprivileged user:
# python3 -m pip install ansible-core --user
# python3 -m pip install ansible-navigator --user
Next, create a custom Ansible Execution Environment container, with the skupper.network collection. This EE will need to be present in the podman registry for the unprivileged user on all 3 hosts.
Create a directory for the execution environment definition files. I used /home/jdicke/exec_env/skupper-ee. In this directory you need 2 files:
requirements.yml: Define the Required Collections
- name: skupper.network
execution-environment.yml: Define the Execution Environment
version: 3
galaxy: requirements.yml
name: quay.io/ansible/awx-ee:latest
Run the following command in the directory to build the execution environment:
# ansible-builder build --verbosity 3 --prune-images --tag ee-skupper:1.1
To copy the execution environment to another server, first save the container to a tar file using:
# podman save --output ee_skupper_1.1.tar localhost/ee-skupper:1.1
To import the container tar file on another server, use:
# podman load --input ee_skupper_1.1.tar
Update the ansible-navigator line in the run_config.bash script to have the name of your execution environment. I chose localhost/ee-skupper:1.1.
For my purposes I would like to version control the skupper command I am using. Also, I am not assuming the clients will have access to download the skupper file from the Internet. As such, download the desired version of skupper and place the extracted skupper command in the playbook directory under files on all 3 hosts. I used this version of skupper:
Next, either use the Ansible Vault password provided in .secret, or change the password as desired.
If the password is changed, create a new vars/vault.yml with the following content:
ansible_become_password: your_password_here
This sets the password to elevate privileges via sudo. If the ansible user can sudo without password, the vault.yml is not required and can be removed from the configure_*.yml playbooks. Again, do this on all 3 hosts.
Create or update the files/customer_services.yml. This file is a definition of all services you will create on the hosts. For my example, I chose to create the following:
- 8081
- 8081
- 8082
- 8082
This represents that I will create skupper services on the skupper host(s) for each virtual web server. I have chosen to assign unique ports on the host to each client, rather than unique IP Addresses, as that is more cumbersome, requires more configuration, and excessively consumes IP Addresses on my Physical Network.
Now, it is possible to create the host configuration using:
# ./create_install_host_inventory.bash skupper1
This will run the playbook to configure an Ansible playbook inventory directory.
Now, it is possible to configure and start Skupper using:
# ./run_config.bash
Once completed, your skupper host will be online!
Next, collect the skupper1_token file from ~/skupper_config/skupper1_token and place in the Ansible playbook directory under files on both clienta and clientb. This provides the host information the Skupper clients will connect to.
Now to configure the clients:
On clienta run the following:
# ./create_customer_inventory.bash clienta 8081
# ./run_config.bash
This will create the Ansible playbook inventory information to configure clienta.
NOTE: This command must match the skupper service name and skupper service port listed in files/customer_services.yml.
On clientb run the following:
# ./create_customer_inventory.bash clientb 8082
# ./run_config.bash
Now Skupper is running on all 3 systems.
On the skupper host, skupper1, you can access the clienta and clientb web sites as follows:
- clienta website:
- clientb website:
Further, anything that can connect to skupper1,, can connect to the web sites on clienta and clientb. For instance, the clienta and clientb websites are reachable from any host on the network at the following:
- clienta website:
- clientb website:
Without the Skupper environment running, nothing on the physical network would be able to reach the web sites on the libvirt network.
This example shows how to use ansible to dynamically create an Ansible inventory for a Skupper Host or Skupper Client and then configure it using the skupper.network Ansible Collection. So Let's look at the commands that happen behind the scenes:
Here is the bash version of the playbook run:
# Download latest skupper CLI
cd /tmp
curl -OL https://github.com/skupperproject/skupper/releases/download/1.4.1/skupper-cli-1.4.1-linux-amd64.tgz
# Install skupper
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo tar xvzf /tmp/skupper-cli-1.4.1-linux-amd64.tgz
sudo chown root:root skupper
sudo chmod 755 skupper
# install podman
sudo yum -y install podman
# configure podman
sudo touch /etc/{subuid,subgid}
sudo usermod --add-subuids 100000-165536 --add-subgids 100000-165536 ${USER}
podman system migrate
# start podman api, only needs to be running during skupper configuration
# most likely will set a time like 5m or so...
podman system service --time 0 &
# open firewall for skupper
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=55671/tcp
# initialize skupper as a host
skupper --platform podman init --ingress-host $(hostname -i)
# create token file
skupper --platform podman token create ~/$(hostname -s)-$USER
### Each client skupper service must be assigned a unique IP Address or Port on the host.
### For this example, I chose clienta and tcp 8081
# create skupper service, service listening
skupper --platform podman service create clienta 8081 --host-port 8081
# setup user for lingering
loginctl enable-linger
### test command to connect to clienta via skupper
# curl
### Check rootless systemd unit
# systemctl --user status skupper-podman
Here is the bash version of the playbook run:
# Download latest skupper CLI
cd /tmp
curl -OL https://github.com/skupperproject/skupper/releases/download/1.4.1/skupper-cli-1.4.1-linux-amd64.tgz
# Install skupper
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo tar xvzf /tmp/skupper-cli-1.4.1-linux-amd64.tgz
sudo chown root:root skupper
sudo chmod 755 skupper
# install podman for skupper, and nginx for testing
sudo yum -y install podman nginx
# start nginx test site
sudo systemctl enable --now nginx
# configure podman
sudo touch /etc/{subuid,subgid}
sudo usermod --add-subuids 100000-165536 --add-subgids 100000-165536 ${USER}
podman system migrate
# start podman api, only needs to be running during skupper configuration
# most likely will set a time like 5m or so...
podman system service --time 0 &
# initialize skupper as a host
skupper --platform podman init --ingress none
# store skupper token file generated by host
cat <<EOF > /tmp/jasond-jdicke
apiVersion: v1
ca.crt: ## redacted ##
tls.crt: ## redacted ##
tls.key: ## redacted ##
kind: Secret
edge-port: "45671"
inter-router-port: "55671"
skupper.io/generated-by: a4f76b38-ed3e-439b-8306-2c096c421e9a
skupper.io/site-version: 1.4.1
creationTimestamp: null
skupper.io/type: connection-token
name: skupper
type: kubernetes.io/tls
# create skupper link
skupper --platform podman link create /tmp/jasond-jdicke
### Each client skupper service must be assigned a unique IP Address or Port on the host.
### For this example, I chose clienta and tcp 8081
# create skupper service
skupper --platform podman service create clienta 8081
# bind skupper service to local vm app port
skupper --platform podman service bind clienta host host.containers.internal --target-port 80
# setup user for lingering
loginctl enable-linger
### Check rootless systemd unit
# systemctl --user status skupper-podman
I hope you found this example helpful!