A tool for viewing FDA food data
- Set up a venv environment
- Start the venv with . .venv/bin/activate
- Navigate into this directory
- sqlite3 food.db
- Run whatever queries you wish
- First, delete the food.db file
- Then, run ./generation_scripts/generate_tables.py
- Start the sqlite3 server
- Example query: select * from food group by food_category_id limit 10;
10 pts : Was a video included in the project submission?
5 pts : Does the project contain at least 3 tables? - yes
5 pts : Are there relationships between table items (foreign keys)? - yes
5 pts : Are there constraints on the table columns? - yes
5 pts : Do the tables include Indexes ? - yes (Primary key counts as index if they are data and not just row counters)?
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show SQL statements (and any accompanying code) for all table creation? - yes
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show SQL statements for the insertion of data? - yes
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show SQL statements for queries? - yes
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show the Join between at least 3 tables? - yes
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show grouping of the data on the Join between at least 3 tables? - yes
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show aggregation on the Join between at least 3 tables? - yes
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show SQL statements for UPDATEs? - yes
10 pts : Did the writeup/video show the code and execution of the trigger(s)? - yes
5 pts : Did the writeup/video show the deletion of items that have foreign keys? - yes