- Fix
thanks to @Abhi904485. - Use build.gradle with kotlin and use newer versions.
- Fix Intellibot options not showing for 2022 versions.
- Add support for
*** Tasks ***
(or*** Task ***
) header. - Add support for Task Setup/Teardown/Template/Timeout settings.
Custom variables can be included in Robot Options. This feature could be useful for those who uses --variable
argument in Robot Framework.
- Search for keyword decorator in module functions.
- Remove simple quotes on keyword definition with decorator.
- Fix keyword decorator usage with relative/absolute path.
import robot.api.deco.keyword
from robot.api import deco
@robot.api.deco.keyword('This works')
def this_works():
@deco.keyword("And this")
def and_this():
This is a work in progress (the product of a 24 hour hack match), though at this point I have devoted far more time than that. Related feature request to JetBrains: IDEA-97678. Here is a growing list of features.
Note that this plugin should work in either IntelliJ or PyCharm, but that PyCharm is far less used (and thus tested) personally.
The plugin is now hosted in the JetBrains repositories. This means you can install it directly form your IDE. Just search for 'Intellibot' under 'Browse Repositories...'.
You can also install the plugin manually. To do so you can either download and compile the project yourself. Or download the IntelliBot- file in the project. You can then install this plugin to your IDE by using the 'Install plugin from disk...' option. This version may be slightly ahead of the JetBrains repository though potentially slightly less stable.
The plugin will, by default, operate against any ".robot" file in the project. You can add ".txt" support by following these instructions. If you are using PyCharm then any Python libraries should be detected when you setup your interpreter. If you are using IntelliJ then you can install the Python plugin. Both instructions can be found in this wiki page.