- NAS04: tf-idf of Chinese text: Ask your tutor to crawl data for you. Calculate tf_idf and zipf-law of your data. No later than 03/25 23:59.
- [NAS03: tf-idf of Chinese text]: Visualizing .
- TM00. Text mining intro
- TM01. Text mining basic: Using tidy approach
- NAS02: Term frequency of Chinese text: Submitting toe term-frequency plot to Cieba. Also explain the dataset you used on Ceiba. No later than 03/18 23:59.
- R00. Install, installing R, RStudio.
- R01. R Basic (cont. after creating vector)
- Creating your own and group github repository!
- VAS01: Crawling data for practice: No later than 3/12
- AS01: DataCamp Practice: Complete the practice before 3/11 23:59. If you have any problem, please consult your tutor.
- David Robinson and Julia Silge (2017). Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach. O’Reilly.
- Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham (2017). R for Data Science. O’Reilly.
- Datacamp for R
- Learning R in Y minutes
- R Graphics Cookbook
- Quick-R
- Best jiebaR introduction
- R for data mining
Week | Date | Description | Activities |
W01 | 0226 | Course overview TM00. Text mining intro |
Team up! |
W02 | 0305 | R basic: R00.Install R01.RBasic |
AS01: DataCamp Practice VAS01: Crawling data for practice |
W03 | 0312 | R text processing basic Chap01. TM01. Text mining basic. |
NAS02: Term frequency of Chinese text |
W04 | 0319 | Chap03, Chap04 | NAS3. |
W05 | 0326 | Network visualization | NAS4. |
W06 | 0402 | Spring vocation | |
W07 | 0409 | Chap05 topic modeling: How can we make topic modeling perform better? | NAS5. |
W08 | 0416 | Readings and report: mining text for social theory | |
W09 | 0423 | Supervised learning for text (Text classification), Naive Bayes Classification, LASSO for feature selection | |
W10 | 0430 | Readings and report | |
W11 | 0507 | CAECAT presentation | V+NAS2 |
W12 | 0514 | Readings and report | |
W13 | 0521 | Stock prediction SVM and OLS | NAS6 |
W14 | 0528 | Readings and report | |
W15 | 0604 | Supervised learning for text SVM、OLS、… | |
W16 | 0611 | Readings and report | |
W17 | 0618 | Dragon Boat Festival | |
W18 | 0625 | Final report |
Group | Members |
G1Yo | R1234567陳潔(tutor)、R1234567莊忻倫(tutor) |
G2Ha | R1234567陳潔(tutor)、R1234567莊忻倫(tutor) |