"Jammazwan" is Hindi for "camel keeper", and is explained in this blog.
a jammazwan? | also a jammazwan | TL;DR? about: |
Functionality: WSDL first CXF (SOAP) example project. Accepts, and returns simple input. 2 of 4
Git clone the xaw_CxfWsdlFirstSimple project into your workspace:
from your bash shell:
cd yourworkspacedirectory
git clone https://github.com/jammazwan/xaw_CxfWsdlFirstSimple.git
cd xaw_CxfWsdlFirstSimple
mvn install -DskipTests
You man now import xaw_CxfWsdlFirstSimple into your IDE.
run XawTest, see NOTES.md and https://betterologist.net/2016/06/camel-cxf-x__project-supplement/